prob not you wont even notic it, save your money and get a ecu upgrade
Hi all,
Would it be benifical to replace my standard N75, with an N75J?
My car is standard...
Also, would it be worth replacing my diverter valve at the same time? It is 100000kms old now...
prob not you wont even notic it, save your money and get a ecu upgrade
mk4 the mods begin for round 2 hahahha
As Adrian said forget it, unless the original DV is actually faulty and losing boost you'll gain nothing and if you go playing with the N75 you could create problems you don't have now.
N75J is upgraded spark plugs right?
Sorry, not on it as far as mk4/1.8T tuning goes.
I can't for the life of me see how this would have a detrimental effect. If the same gap is maintained, it is a guarantee for the next xxx kms that your plugs are fine.
What is the cost like for the set of 4?
sorry adrian but I did a dyno with and without the n75j and there was a slight difference in the psi (dont ask me for the exact figures but if I find the dyno sheet ill post the difference for you).for the $100 it was worth it.
George is pretty close, it is modulated by the ECU to control the boost and in extreme circumstances will open the wastegate using stored vacuum to prevent any exhaust gas making it to the turbo.
I forget which way round it is but I would say not to fit anything but the std one for your engine, unless the software has been specifically written for another valve.
There is a chance that a non-standard valve will cause the ECU a headache and put the car in limp mode.
bahaha quite obviously i really had no idea about 1.8T's!
for some reaosn (i think it may be pogo GTI's sig's) I associated NGK with N75J. NFI why, just did.
as they say, don't know if you don't ask.