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Thread: My mkiv Golf rev needle keeps fluctuating!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2007

    My mkiv Golf rev needle keeps fluctuating!

    Hey guys,

    I have a problem i don't know what to do,
    My golf mkiv needle keeps fluctuating, i checked if theres any vacuum leak (there was one which i fixed already and it doesn't fluctuate as much now) and i also tried driving with the MAF off (but theres absolute no power when it happens). Also changed oil and fuel filter aswell (waste of money). The car takes awhile to stabilize itself but its starting to be really annoying as it affects the breaks too.

    It's also annoying when people think i want to have a go with at the traffic lights!

    I own a 99 golf mkiv done 150k km's
    Anyone have any ideas to what the problem is and or the price to fix it aswell?


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Melbourne, Mexico
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    Which engine have you got? 1.6 2.slow or 1.8T?

    Could just want the throttlebody cleaning out. They get gummed up with oil residue over time and need a bit of TLC once in a while.


  3. #3
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    it's a 1.6l engine i'll try to clean it out and see how that'll go

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Jimboomba. QLD
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    fluctuating tacho

    Hi nghia1,

    I think there is a thread on here somewhere that talks about this issue of the fluctuating tacho/hesitation/roughness with the idle of the 1.6

    I think almost everything has been tried by one owner or another but if you happen to come up with a solution, I am sure all of us 1.6L owners will thank you for it....I know I will.

    Mine has this fluctuation and while Jmac was changing the timing belt the other weekend (thanks so much Jimmy ) he scanned mine for engine faults and yet it has this issue.
    2010 90TSI Manual / Comfort Pack / United Grey
    RICE - Leave the useless wings to the Penguins...

  5. #5
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    hey h100vw,

    I was looking at my engine and just remembered that i dont know what or where my 'throttle body' is. If you can describe it or take a photo at i can try to clean it, also what is TLC?

    Sorry i'm not really tech at this

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Melbourne, Mexico
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    TLC=tender loving care.

    Sorry, never even seen under the bonnet of a 1.6 so can't do you a picture.

    If you follow the air pipes from the airbox towards the engine you'll come across the throttle body.

    Disconnect the pipe on the air cleaner side and give the inside a wipe with a clean rag. You might want some brake cleaner on the rag.

    I am not sure about opening the butterfly to clean the other side. I have heard that you can damage the throttlebody by moving the butterfly. I reckon it's BS but to be safe I am advising that you take the TB off the manifold to get the other side.

    It is probably secured with 4 allen headed bolts, most likely 5mm ones.

    Be careful with the gasket so as not to introduce airleaks.

    Hope that helps.


  7. #7
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    Thanks for the help Gavin,

    Stupid of me I somehow knew it was Tender Loving Care but to be safe i was thinking it was like a specific cleaner of some sort lol, i'll try that tomorrow morning and we'll see how that goes.


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