Have you got those wheels on yet?
Have you got those wheels on yet?
76 MkI 3 door - daily drive/project - 1.8 5speed
76 MkI 3 door swallowtail - 16v track car
76 MkI 3 door "long term" project
I keep getting side tracked a picking up other little things along the way. They are basicly ready to rock and roll once I get the tyres on them so I'm not in a great rush. I got the wheels I wanted and that was the hardest part
They would have been on long ago but I found a complete set of R32 seats along the way that diluted my funds some what, then I found billet caps, new vents, boost guage plus a few other assorted things that escape me for the moment. They'll be on by the nats I assure you...
Sounds interesting can't wait to see what its going to be like![]()
I'm soo euro even my missus is shaved...
I've visited a few tyre shops while looking around for Falken tyres and all have said they are at best only average in the grip department and are only well-known due to good marketing. However they are favoured by the American VW scene purely because of their ability to stretch well - there have been heaps of threads on Vortex comparing different branded tyres of the same size, and pics show the Falkens (especially the Falken FK451) stretched more over same width wheels compared to others. This is just what I know, but I'll be putting on some second-hand Falkens on my wheels so I would like to hear some opinions on them myself.
falkens get noisy, unless you get top of the range you will find it sounding like a tractor on some cars ive noticed from experience over the years.
if your not wanting to spend huge amounts of money and still want good tyres get some s/h tyres (dunlop/conti/pirelli/mich etc) which will be about $80-120 dependant on size/and tread left.. you can get some with 90%+ tread on them for $80 these days..
keep clear from wanli, nankang, linlong (livelong? lol) if you want to survive driving in the wet. they are 'good' for what you pay, but for 20-50 a corner more you can get a whole lot better i tell you that much!
What’s behind you doesn’t matter..
This is why I'm leaning towards them. To get the car to sit on 19's I'm going to have some stretch 215/35/19 on a 8.5" rim. These wheels are obviously more for show than racing and I will be getting seperate rims for when I decide to track the car so just every day driving.
The rears look pretty smick with just the right amount of stretch on them (not overly done but just enough to have that beefy lip the LM's have hang out there).
why not go 215/40/19 to help out with the stretchage? theres almost no sidewall to work with with such a low profile like 35
2x Caddy, 1x Ducato
im presuming due to the offset your going 215s as i have 225s all around on 8" rims?
if you do stretch tyres make sure you have a decent brand as the side walls are very flimsy and well quite piss poor on cheaper tyres and you will find the slightest of potholes will buckle/warp your wheel or blow out your tyre!
its common esp from tempe tyre specials lol.. "bro il give you 20" rims with $80 wanli tyres which will damage and blow!" eeek
and hurry the hell up and show us what it looks like lol
What’s behind you doesn’t matter..