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Thread: My Mk4 buildup thread...

  1. #941

    Well - 3 out of 4 aint bad. Having a few issue getting one of the rear adapters off (1 F@#$ B@$% bolt!), but nothing the right tools wont be able to fix. Just about to take her for a squirt over to loons again to go and raid his workshop bwahahahaha. It's a bit depressing to take off the LM's but the daily drive now requires more sensible and less cool.

    Dudes in a civic yesterday pulled up alongside me and complimented my wheels to (LM's) which has only made it harder on me to take em off.Perhaps I should change the title of the thread to My Mk4 un-build thread. Oh well...

    Anywho's here's what your really after...

    What was:

    The new:


    Yes - still need to put the front back on:
    Quote Originally Posted by Whubbsie View Post
    There is nothing better than a polo badge, thats why you will notice Veyron drivers with polo gti badges.... they know where the true sizzles at!

  2. #942
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Eastern Suburbs Melbourne
    looks boring now!

    Nothing could compare to being behind you car and seeing it crawl over a speed bump!! (with the LMs on that is)

    i like volkswagens
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  3. #943
    I like it!

    But then, I go after boring looking cars anyway.

    Sometimes its nice to go under the radar.

    What happened to the lower bumper lip Neil?

    My personal choice for a mk4 would be stock front grill, lights etc, hidden tail pipes the stance you've got it set at & a set of 17" Bora Sport rims. Doesn't matter what color it is.

    Gumboot blue is a favorite though. Not many getting around. Especially that look like this
    Last edited by Oneofthegreats; 29-04-2010 at 04:29 PM.

  4. #944
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
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    Looking good there Neil keep it up mate!
    I'm soo euro even my missus is shaved...

  5. #945
    Join Date
    May 2005
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    im a fan mate Still looking SO clean
    VW: it aint just a car, its a way of life
    There are few things more satisfying in life than finding a solution to a problem and implementing it
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  6. #946
    Join Date
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    nice mate! big fan of either combo!

  7. #947
    The lower lip is sitting my garage waiting for me to do something with it. I'm replacing the FMIC with a better quality core (this is only an el-cheapo from ebay).

    Swung by loons this arvo to try to get off the last LM (wahhhhhhhh) and solved a few niggly problems. Woohoo, my car is almost blue slip worthy now! Having the 17's on is a barrel of fun. I'll apologize to the neighbors for the thick black lines at the end of our street another time (Technically is still our drive way anyways).

    Also picked up a 3" MAF housing today that'll have to graft my MAF onto shortly once a few other things get underway.
    Quote Originally Posted by Whubbsie View Post
    There is nothing better than a polo badge, thats why you will notice Veyron drivers with polo gti badges.... they know where the true sizzles at!

  8. #948
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Orange NSW
    Your new wheels still look sex mate. Very nice.

    APR Tuned | KW Suspension | INA Engineering | Mocal Oil Control |

  9. #949
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    Quote Originally Posted by 99gti View Post

    Also picked up a 3" MAF housing today that'll have to graft my MAF onto shortly once a few other things get underway.
    Another tick in the box!

  10. #950

    Quote Originally Posted by h100vw View Post
    Another tick in the box!

    I'll stick an order in tomorrow to get that fuel pump too and I'm going to have a chat to the boys at Castle Hill Exhaust to get my new FMIC plus add a new bung. Does it need to be before or after the cat?
    Quote Originally Posted by Whubbsie View Post
    There is nothing better than a polo badge, thats why you will notice Veyron drivers with polo gti badges.... they know where the true sizzles at!

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