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Thread: Motor Mout Spacers Or Metal Under Body guard ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Goldcoast QLD
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    Motor Mout Spacers Or Metal Under Body guard ?

    Hey all ,

    i got to do something about protecting or getting better ground clearance on my 1.6L mk4 golf sump , im on factory suspension atm but im planing to lower it a bit in the coming months , but as it sits now my sump pan hits on just about every thing , its all ready got a few nice marks throw it

    so my question is would i be better off buying motor mount spacers and lifiting the motor a inch or so or buying a metal under body tray to completely protect it ???

    i dont really want to crack my sump open / damage my motor

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Bairnsdale & Ferntree Gully, Victoria
    Drive around and not over things will be the easiest solution.

    Think someone was selling a OEM metal guard on here, I still dont understand how these help however as the underside of the car is only going to be closer to the ground again by installing one.
    Bora gone
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  3. #3
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    Yes, as Dylan said just be more careful when you drive. I'm not sure how you managed to hit your sump with stock springs though. I thought the 1.6 sump sits above the subframe? I'm one coilovers and my sump hangs below 100mm but I am yet to hit anything with it, I am quite careful though. I think that metal guard is now located on the golf coast so you could shoot the owner a pm, I'll try and dig up his details. It will lower you ground clearance but at least you'll be scraping the guard and not the sump

    Edit: pm this guy.

    Oh and motor mount spacers can be a good idea but they will lower your axel to frame rail clearance a bit.
    Last edited by Lito; 28-02-2014 at 11:26 AM.

  4. #4
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    I have some of those engine mount spacers unused if you decide to go that way.

    Soggy old shocks that don't damp can cause 'touchdowns' over bumps. Our A4 drags its exhaust at times, over speed bumps and that's on stilts.


  5. #5
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    i am super careful when i drive because the last thing i want it to damage my car , 9 out of 10 times the sump hits my drive way going in or out ....

    i'll send him a pm and see what he says im more inclined to go the bash plate protecting rather them lifting the motor

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by aaron001au View Post
    i am super careful when i drive because the last thing i want it to damage my car , 9 out of 10 times the sump hits my drive way going in or out ....

    i'll send him a pm and see what he says im more inclined to go the bash plate protecting rather them lifting the motor
    You might want to change the way you exit a driveway. I usually, if possible, drive out on an angle.

    I also fail to see how a sump protector can really help. It'll stop scrapes on the sump but that's about it. Unless it's made out of miltary grade steel, it is still going to bust if you go over anything that would destroy your sump anyway.

    If worse comes to absolute worse, you can buy a new sump for $200 plus oil & filter. Yes, the clean up is a hell of a job, but in reality, this is unlikely to happen to most lowered MK4 owners so not something worth spending many $100's to avoid.
    Quote Originally Posted by MightyCarMods
    I'd rather lose by a mile because I built my own car, than win by an inch because someone else built it for me. Your car is your story, so don't let someone else write the book.

    -| "Laura" - 2001 Bora 4-motion (now sold) |-

  7. #7
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    i go out of my drive way on a angle and very slow still scrapes , im just looking for something to take the beating / scraping other then my sump i dont really have the time to pull the car off the road and replace the sump if i crack it , plus im more worried about it braking or busting open and doing damage to my motor

    i know a few guys that have cracked sumps on there mk4s from just going over a speed bump a little too fast im just trying to avoid that

    also my suspension has sagged a few inches and my sumps less then 5 inches off the ground atm so i need to do something about it

  8. #8
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    You must have a killer driveway man

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Seen plenty of stock ones with smashed sumps.

    You just have to be super careful. Maybe take your driveway one wheel at a time?
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lito View Post
    You must have a killer driveway man
    not really , its more so where it go's from concrete to grass and its washed away so there is a small drop , regardless of that my question still hasn't been answered should i get a metal under tray or look in to lifting the motor ?

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