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Thread: MKIV GTI has developed a miss

  1. #11
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    It can't hurt to replace the coils... But yes, you guys are right I should get it checked out first in case it is something else. I thought fuel pumps usually worked or didn't. I've had one die on me before and the car I had stopped running and wouldn't crank over.

    sierra055 I am around Knox so Blackburn isn't far. I'd have to give you something for your time if I was to take you up on the offer.
    Last edited by dubbed; 27-08-2008 at 12:25 PM.
    2000 Mk IV GTI

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by dubbed View Post
    It can't hurt to replace the coils... But yes, I you guys are right I should get it checked out first in case it is something else. I thought fuel pumps usually worked or didn't. I've had one die on me before and the car I had stopped running and wouldn't crank over.

    sierra055 I am around Knox so Blackburn isn't far. I'd have to give you something for your time if I was to take you up on the offer.
    It could be a waste of hard earned mate. Those early bolt down coils are more reliable than the later push on ones.

    Get it scanned for faults before spending any money on parts.

    You could chase your tail for ages throwing parts at it.

    Not like the old days when it could only be the 3 P's, plugs points petrol.


  3. #13
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    Apr 2008
    This happened to my car. it was a combination of bad petol and the ignition module that sits on the side of the air box. good fuel + new module = no problems.
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  4. #14
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    How much did the new module cost you?

    I'm going to get it scanned some time this week so I will let you all know how she goes.
    2000 Mk IV GTI

  5. #15
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    The module was around $200, cant remeber exact price.
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  6. #16
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    Hey guys just a quick update because I'm buggered..

    A very big thanks to Marshall (user name kept private unless he wants to say) who was kind enough to spare his time and scan my car for errors with a VAG-COM. There were a couple of errors but the one that is the culprit is '00575 - Intake manifold Pressure 08-10 Control Limit Surpassed - Intermittent'.

    I did a quick search on Google and I've narrowed it down to: split/loose hose, N75 valve, MAP/MAF? sensor, and the worst case scenario; VNT jamming/a busted turbo. What are people's thoughts? I will get it down to a service centre but it's difficult working six days a week so if it's something easy I'd like to have a look myself late tomorrow or Sunday.

    Thanks again to everyone's help so far
    Last edited by dubbed; 30-08-2008 at 12:07 AM.
    2000 Mk IV GTI

  7. #17
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    You don't have a VNT turbo on that one mate, they are on diesels.

    What's happened is that the ECU has sensed an excessive boost condition and is protecting your motor.

    Have a read up on testing wastegates on google as I haven't ever had to. Probably just blow or suck on the hose connection and make sure it opens up.

    The N75 should be easy to test too.

    Did you have that code cleared out?? It should run ok for a while until you cause the problem again by running it hard.

    Good job you didn't buy any coilpacks.

  8. #18
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    Ahh well that's a relief. I'm still getting used to all the turbo terms and gadgets.

    Yes the code was cleared out but it didn't change the running of the car. If anything it's gradually getting worse (I only drove it to get the codes checked and then straight home). When I started it up last it sat there idling smoothly for a little while and then suddenly idled like a truck for half a minute and then repeats. I don't know where the wastegate is but noticed I have a GFB something-or-other. I think it's a plumbed-back BOV...

    I also noticed my temp gauge has changed after the VAGCOM. It used to sit dead on the centre, now it's one bar below. Where should it sit at optimum operating temperature?

    And yes, thanks to you guys I'm very lucky I didn't go out on a hunch and buy new coils haha. The VW stealer wanted 90 pingers just for one!

    Thanks for your help h100vw
    2000 Mk IV GTI

  9. #19
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    I would have a look at your GFB plumbback dv and make sure it's working OK.

    If it's not releasing the pressure in the intake when you lift off, maybe that is causing the code??


  10. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    The GFB does sound like it might be a DV, is it at the rear of the engine bay, passendger side? Personally I don't think that it would be causing the symptoms your car shows, nor would the N75 valve. The valve is also located in that back left corner, right next to the DV.

    Below is a pic of the DV and N75 valve.

    My thinking is that it is a faulty MAF. You should be able to test it by disconnecting the MAF. If it runs better, there's your culprit.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails MKIV GTI has developed a miss-dscn7512_n75j-jpg  

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