Swapping a Immo3 w/ CAN gateway cluster in to a pre 2000 Immo1 Cluster with NO MFA or CAN Gateway..
Its do-able but we still have a few minor outstanding issues at hand... (All Due to the Car not originally having a CAN Gateway)
- Fuel Economicality meter doesnt get any reading
yet Air Temp, Distance to Empty, AVG Speed and Clock do
- Cluster Lights dont Dim..
- Airbag light on even though Airbag controller is functioning 100% but the Can Gateway in the Cluster cant see it .. as the Airbag controller is a early one designed to operate independant of CAN Gateway... so the light shows but systems are 100% functional
however Anton thinks he has a resolution so will look at finishing the job in the next week or two
Apparently thou this will probably be easily resolved by Plugging in a few extra cords here and there (here is hoping...) need to nut out the wiring diagrams..
This is the thread we used for that had what wire needed to go where.. but it didnt cover the minor issues we are having..
Before Swap:
What's Going in:
The Swap: