They will work if they are genuine. Unless you try to put say 15" wheels on a gti/4mo (require 16) or 16s on a 32 (requires 17s)
Hey all anyone had issues fitting a set of rims from 1 mk4 to another. The car i have is a 2001 model with original wheels however the wheels i have are from a mk4 2003. the wheel nuts do seem different can i make em work?
They will work if they are genuine. Unless you try to put say 15" wheels on a gti/4mo (require 16) or 16s on a 32 (requires 17s)
Cone seat vs ball seat and bolt length may vary and are dictated by the wheel itself. It is important that the bolt seats correctly with the wheel and the thread is long enough to reach through to the hub.
MK4 GTI - Sold
MK5 Jetta Turbo - Sold
MK5 Jetta 2.Slow - Until it dies.