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Thread: Begineer questions about 2001 2.0 GLE

  1. #1

    Begineer questions about 2001 2.0 GLE

    New owner of used GLE with a few questions about broken bits and pieces I want to fix.

    1) Key has completely worn away VW logo on push button for lamp. Can you buy just this button as a spare part?

    2) Key is missing globe for lamp entirely. I presume replacement globes are available?

    3) Inside key on opposite side to where the globe should be is a very small glass tube with what appears to be copper inside it. I thought it was a spare globe, but it isn't that. What is this? Something to do with an immobiliser maybe?

    4) The armrest between the two front seats above the handbrake has a storage partition in the top of it. The lid with the cushion hinges rearwards to open for putting things inside. The plastic catches that keep this shut are broken off on my car. Is there a reasonably priced solution to fixing this?

    5) I want the central locking for the entire car to be able to be activated from the tailgate lock in exactly the same way it is for the doors. From reading the manual I believe this was standard in the estate version, but not for the hatch (for some inexplicable reason). Is there are write-up on here somewhere for the procedure to retrofit this functionality into the hatches?

    6) Is there a factory retrofit kit for remote central locking by key fob? My car doesn't have this feature and I would like it to.

    That's all that is annoying me so far about my new purchase. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Where is the best/closest place to go for replacement VW parts to Duncraig, Perth?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Sydney, NSW
    alls i know from that... #3: yep, is the coded thing, sends message to immobiliser to turn it off. don't lose it

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Perth WA

    G'day Das Stig, I'd suggest Golfwagen up in Wangara would be a good place to start with all your queries since you live up that way. Just been reading through your other posts Welcome to the forum mate!
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