I bought a Mk4 Gti 01 model with 100,000km on it. Its had all the servicing done in the log books by VW mechanics, but the section for the timing belt change hasnt been ticked at all and it doesnt seem to specify when they should be changed like in some other vehicle service manuals. Any idea when this is meant to be changed? Or if not changed checked?
Also, ive always done my own mechanics but i usually go by a service manual of some sort. Whats the best way of geting one? Ive tried searching the net for a download but cant seem to find any. Got any ideas on free manuals???
If not where is the next cheapest place to get a decent manual?
Love the gti, awesome car to drive. I look forward to going to work just cause i get to drive it there and back!!! Not real quick, which doesnt really bother me but i would like to eventually improve handling and power so it was not rediculous if i wanted to do a track day or 2.