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Thread: Bora - Oil Pressure Warning

  1. #1
    pursuit_ute Guest

    Unhappy Bora - Oil Pressure Warning

    Hi, just bought a 2001 V6 4Motion Bora and have had the STOP - Oil Pressure warning coming on every time we start the car. I know the previous owner quite well and he did tell me that this happened every few months but since getting the car home to Canberra, it has happened every time .

    I drove the car for a week in Brisbane and it never happened, maybe atmospheric pressures being different in Canberra have something to do with it??

    Drives us nuts, previous owner had had VW replace the Oil Pressure Sender replaced 3 times and the problem persists. I thought perhaps the dipstick was replaced at some stage so I added 1/2 a litre over full to check if it made a difference but to no avail.

    Has anyone had this drama??

    Thanks is advance, Scott.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    You need to have the oil pressure checked with a stand alone gauge to prove whether or not there is a problem.

    Can we assume that the tappets dont rattle and the bottom end isn't knocking it's head off??

    I would be surprised but the oil pump pick up may be partially blocked preventing the pump flowing adequately..

    Maybe have a look at some UK forums or


  3. #3
    pursuit_ute Guest
    Engine sounds and runs a sweet as you could hope. Not a rattle, vibration or any noise for that matter. Hopping out of the GT, I have to give the Bora a rev to see if it's running........ except when that damn warning start's up!!!

    I'll try that forum, I have tried a few over there with little luck.

  4. #4
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  5. #5
    pursuit_ute Guest
    Forgive me..... "could be in the clocks"?

  6. #6
    syncro Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by pursuit_ute
    Forgive me..... "could be in the clocks"?
    Daylight saving?

  7. #7
    syncro Guest
    Is the warning at idle or around 2000 revs?

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    The bit that senses the oil pressure for the warning is usually in the clocks in my experience.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Upper Ferntree Gully Victoria

    Re Oil Pressure

    Does it have a genuine oil filter we had a similar problem on our mk1 replaced the ryco filter with genuine vw and the problem went away

  10. #10
    pursuit_ute Guest

    syncro - doesn't do it at idle, only when the rev's pick up;

    h100vw - Sorry Gavin, I have no idea what "the clocks" means;

    gumboot - Not sure on the oil filter, will check it out. My guess is original as I have the service history which is all at a VW dealer.

    Thanks for your feedback guy's, the car is in for a pressure test in the morning to help settle my nerves. I spoke to a VW mechanic today who told me that pressure cold should be around 20psi and might drop to 8psi when hot. He also said that with a rev it should peak at around 50psi. He did say that he has sent several instrument clusters over to Premier Instruments for repairs to the connector at the back as the connectors are very fine and prone to damaging solder joints. Will cost about $150 for someone to remove the instrument cluster and go over the joints and re-solder any that look sus.

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