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Thread: mk4 gti clutch problem

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    mk4 gti clutch problem

    hi guys

    so the clutch in my 99 gti has been slipping for quite some time now, so i decided to change over to a single mass flywheel.

    i sourced one from a local brake and clutch shop and they matched up a single mass conversion kit off my vin and engine code.

    took it to my mechanic to fit it, and after hes fitted the flywheel and clutch and put everything back together the motor wont turn over by hand at all. wont budge

    I was hoping there would be someone on here thats had the same or similar problem, isit possible that the wrong clutch and flywheel was supplied even though the parts guy matched it with my vin. the clutch shop is saying that the car might of had the gearbox changed and therefore the clutch wouldnt suit??

    or isit a fitting error by the mechanic since the flywheel bolts up and the clutch fits the input shaft.

  2. #2
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    dubster99 had a load of problems with his, I forget the reason but he has it sorted now. Check his thread.


    Quote Originally Posted by kkkevin29 View Post
    hi guys

    so the clutch in my 99 gti has been slipping for quite some time now, so i decided to change over to a single mass flywheel.

    i sourced one from a local brake and clutch shop and they matched up a single mass conversion kit off my vin and engine code.

    took it to my mechanic to fit it, and after hes fitted the flywheel and clutch and put everything back together the motor wont turn over by hand at all. wont budge

    I was hoping there would be someone on here thats had the same or similar problem, isit possible that the wrong clutch and flywheel was supplied even though the parts guy matched it with my vin. the clutch shop is saying that the car might of had the gearbox changed and therefore the clutch wouldnt suit??

    or isit a fitting error by the mechanic since the flywheel bolts up and the clutch fits the input shaft.

  3. #3
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    Clutch fork was the wrong way round!

  4. #4
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    thanks for that gavin.

    dubster did having the clutch fork in backwards cause your input shaft to not turn with the motor?

  5. #5
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    Geez that's awful bad luck getting fork round wrong way I wasn't aware that was possible, ah well at least its found. With this question with it all bolted up you reckon the engine wont turn by hand and its in neutral im assuming yeah?? it would still turn but be tighter in gear. My inout would be the flywheel is jammed on the bellhousing mate or the clutch kit together as a sandwich is wrong and binding on the gearbox. What clutch kit did you get?? I have an old clearance tool you can have to check the bell housing but will mean the whole shebang has to come back out bro.
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by kkkevin29 View Post
    thanks for that gavin.

    dubster did having the clutch fork in backwards cause your input shaft to not turn with the motor?

    Yea mate the it wouldnt turn at all not even with a bar. Theres a spot in the fork that sits on a ball pin and it stopped everything from spinning. Only realsied looking at a picture of a 02j box on google to see where i thought i had to grind the bellhousing. Good luck with it mate!

  7. #7
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    Really didn't think that was at all possible, guess that's easy for me to say!!
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  8. #8
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    Haha yea thought it was an easy mistake, but it was the first time i did any of this work

  9. #9
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    Got the box out and ran the clearance tool in it thanks to jmac! can see the areas where the pressure plate has hit and heaps of areas where the flywheel needs for clearance. should i be concerned that the clutch fork hits on the clearance tool?

    spoke to quite a few vw work shops in Melbourne about grinding the inside of the bell housing. almost everyone has turned down the job and most shops kicked up a fuss about why I had chosen to go down the singlemass route. i did manage to find a shop who was willing to do it, will be picking it up shortly

    Fingers crossed everything will work once i have the box back in the car.

  10. #10
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    you test it minus the fork!!!!
    Alba European
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