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Thread: Mk4 GTi Build Thread

  1. #11
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    Hey Schwartz, the link below has several different turbos to choose, I'm going to speak with Arthur and see what he thinks is best and go from there. Any recommendations?


  2. #12
    Join Date
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    Melburg East VIC
    ok, i thought you mentioned stage 3 k04 turbo earlier, i was gonna say if it's a k04-001 then it shouldn't be called a stage 3
    didn't know cts were doing rhd
    anyway, you're gonna struggle with a giac tune for any of those in that selection, custom code maybe?
    1.8T AGU | K04 | GIAC | 380cc | VR6 MAF | Custom Intake | FMIC | TIP | 3bar FPR | N75J | 42DD 3-2.5" TB | GFB DV | FK Highsport | ECS Stage 1 Clutch | OZ FUTURA

  3. #13
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    Yeh sorry got mixed up with the names, I'm waiting fo a call back from Exoticars to see what they quote me and what they recommend, few people I have spoken to said to give muller and muller a call as his done a lot of work on MK4's so might give him a call and see what he says.. I'm still tossing up either going CTS or APR but from what I've been told what ever I choose I'll be looking at making max 170ish at the wheels... Was hoping for more but eh..

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by RM86 View Post
    Yeh sorry got mixed up with the names, I'm waiting fo a call back from Exoticars to see what they quote me and what they recommend, few people I have spoken to said to give muller and muller a call as his done a lot of work on MK4's so might give him a call and see what he says.. I'm still tossing up either going CTS or APR but from what I've been told what ever I choose I'll be looking at making max 170ish at the wheels... Was hoping for more but eh..
    Very little chance of seeing 170 with a K04-001. A hybrid would have a much better chance.


  5. #15
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    I've decided to order a Garret GT28rs with the stage 3, I'm not sure if i will have to get it custom tuned as GIAC do have a X3T28 tune that supports the setup. If it's an issue ill just have to go for a custom tune.

    GIAC|Software upgrades for VW ® 1.8 Turbo
    Last edited by RM86; 25-06-2015 at 03:01 PM. Reason: edit

  6. #16
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    Added the new light's today, will be wiring up the halo's tomorrow as it's raining now.

    I'm also looking for a badgeless grill that has the flat grill from left to right as well as someone who can make up the badboy lids and weld them to the bonnet for me.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Mk4 GTi Build Thread-11143706_10153402103386346_9119293252224722587_n-jpg   Mk4 GTi Build Thread-11540837_10153402103361346_1674403614998166230_n-jpg  

  7. #17
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    Make sure you can get the car tuned, before you buy hardware you can't get fixed up for.

    The Americans don't have AGU engines.


  8. #18
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    Also consider a FTG K04-001, pricing is very good and wheel sizing are almost identical too be GT28RS (only 1mm smaller). Sean recently installed his on his Polo and I installed mine last weekend as well.

    Just a thought
    2006 GTI Polo - Big Turbo Build - Louis19's Build Thread

  9. #19
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    Lol, saw your dyno sheet and then read "it has a CPI sticker" - that right there is your problem. Those guys aren't even software engineers or tuners and have no idea what they're doing. Keep to your plan, go bigger turbo and get either a GIAC, Custom Code or slap a Haltech in and get it dyno tuned to your hardware.

    Keen to see where this goes.
    Last edited by drucejnr; 03-07-2015 at 07:42 AM.

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by louis19 View Post
    Also consider a FTG K04-001, pricing is very good and wheel sizing are almost identical too be GT28RS (only 1mm smaller). Sean recently installed his on his Polo and I installed mine last weekend as well.

    Just a thought
    Got a link for FTG? I was looking at a few gt28rs's but they're pretty expensive.
    01 MKIV GTI ME7 converted hybrid k04
    08 MKV GTI Daily driver duties
    I have serious VAG issues.

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