VAG-COM can tell you which airbag and why, I don't know if OBD-Eleven can do the same
Hey guys , I am having a few problems with my little project car. After changing the battery checking fuses or moving the seat I noticed the airbag light came on. Obdeleven doesn’t give me an error code but I have a feeling I can’t even communicate with the airbag module. I have checked the connectors under the drivers seat (I don’t have any connectors under the passenger seat) and they are fine. I am thinking it could be a fuse but there is no specific fuse for the airbag unit on these cars. Does anyone know if any other blown fuses would impact the airbag module ?
VAG-COM can tell you which airbag and why, I don't know if OBD-Eleven can do the same
2002 Golf GTI - K03S | 3" Downpipe | 312mm DBA T3 Slotted with Forza Pads | | Forge 008 | Forge Hoses | ECS Performance Mounts | R32 and Urethane Bushings | Pipercross Filter | Sachs VR6 Clutch with 14lb Balanced Flywheel
Very common problem is the plug itself under the drivers seat it can create resistance in the circuit which can set off the airbag light.
Obviously check that it's on tight (It's the yellow plug) but if necessary you can bypass the plug completely. Pull the wires out and hard wire it to the harness.
btw, no plugs under the passenger seat doesn't sound right. I was under the impression almost all MK4's had side seat airbags. You should have a "Airbag" tag stitched into the side of your seat closest to the pillar. On leather seats it's embossed in the same location.
Really need to scan it using VAG-Com or VCDS to see what's triggering the light though like jmcc mentioned.
2004 VW Bora 4motion | 3.2 Swapped - R32 Trimmings | BBS CH | Forever fixing this bitch
What model Golf is it? 1.6?
2004 VW Bora 4motion | 3.2 Swapped - R32 Trimmings | BBS CH | Forever fixing this bitch
Ah that explains the lack of wires under your seats, 2.Slow, no seat airbags..
You'll need it scanned mate, sorry wish i could be of more help.
2004 VW Bora 4motion | 3.2 Swapped - R32 Trimmings | BBS CH | Forever fixing this bitch
Haha, yeah I had just assumed it was a GTI too.
There's really no way to test this either without VCDS, once the light has come on even if you fixed the problem it will keep coming on unless you clear the codes. Maybe someone on here in Melbourne can scan it for you? check the vehicle coding section. You'll have to get to it eventually too, no way its passing rego with an airbag fault.
2002 Golf GTI - K03S | 3" Downpipe | 312mm DBA T3 Slotted with Forza Pads | | Forge 008 | Forge Hoses | ECS Performance Mounts | R32 and Urethane Bushings | Pipercross Filter | Sachs VR6 Clutch with 14lb Balanced Flywheel
Thanks guys , it’s time to invist in vcds I think as obdeleven is useless for these earlier models. It works great on my vw cc though .....
Just an update, I bought a cheap vag scanner from China, scanned the airbag module and it came up with the low voltage codes. This must have been when my old battery was about to completely die. I cleared the codes and the light is off !!! Just for future reference for people I have to say stay away from Obdeleven it’s rubish for these cars and very slow. Does anyone want to buy itstarting price 1$ !