Piece of cake !
Anyone around the Daisy hill area that might be able to help me out in exchange for a slab
Daily is currently up on jackstands, driveshafts removed and im about to hopefully drop the gearbox and put in a new clutch
Heard the next part is a bit of a pig if you are trying to do it solo?
Piece of cake !
Definitely not a piece of cake haha you might pull the box out on your own but you'll need help getting it back in for sure
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With help from someone how long do you think it would take to complete? 1hr?
Can't make any promises but might be able to help out.
An hour?!
safe to say you could of probably changed a fleet of cars in the time it took me
Most of it was a lack of half decent tools on my part. Tools that were too short for any decent leverage and me missing the 13mm bolt on the back near the drive-shaft didnt help. I couldn't get that off for love nor money and ended up jacking the wrench with a low profile trolley lift until it finally went. Alot can be said for a spline that properly clears the boots
The box is now out however, im just going to let the hernia's settle for a few days then possibly hit someone up for getting the box back in (cheers for the offers)
Im not going to beat myself up too much about it. The box is out and was done with my skull intact
so you got it sorted mate??
Potentially. Its all back in, i just have to hook up the shifter and starter and some other randoms. The bolts for the top of the case are a nightmare to get in. Set in really deep under a load of brittle 10 year old tubing
In the end i invested in 20 bucks worth of ratchet straps and lifted it in. Was messing about for hours with jacks and all sorts. There is nothing more depressing that lifting it on, only to run out of energy and see it slowly slide off and hit you in the nuts
With the straps and it took about 10 minutes. One strap to lift and the other i wrapped around the engine and case sideways and ratcheted them together
To Top it off the lift for the bonnet failed and took out my mobile. Awesome day.....
Last edited by elcono; 03-06-2016 at 03:36 PM. Reason: update
**** man no good
If i had have seen this sooner i would have offered a hand. but alas.. you have the hard part all done. and now you know how to do it next time haha
The next time this engine is coming out however its going into the mk1 and staying there
At present im just getting the car running well before transplant day. Im sure thats a project thats going to make this clutch job look like a piece of piss!