Hi All,

Been doing a fair bit of reading over the last 48 hours, but I am either missing something with my searches or not getting my terms right.

Issue I am seeing on my car 1.6 AKL engine/DUU gearbox is that the clutch pedal all of a sudden over night two days ago, got super light, and the bite point is virtually not there. Used to be able to ease the clutch out and feel it bite and ease it out all the way without adding any throttle and take off, but the clutch now just eases the pedal out which is super light and easier to let out and you don't really feel the bite point now, and need to give it a little rev to take off without stalling.

Now, the if I put the car into 5th while at a standstill, ease the clutch with a little revs, I slowly take off and build speed, I don't get shooting revs like I have in previous cars with slipping clutches, but I don't also stall either. I thought that this is the classic sign of a slipping/worn down clutch, am I correct? Always was on previous cars I have played with (RWD bimmers) but this golf has been able to take off like that in 5th since I got it 12 months ago, clutch has been perfect up until 2 days ago when it went super light and started acting this way.

Brake fluid is fine and up to levels. Looked at the pedal and all seems ok there (no broken clips/mounts that I can see without taking the pedal out) but what causes the clutch pedal to all of sudden go very light and easy to let out?

Also, do these gearboxes have an inspection port to take a look at clutch wear/throwout bearing, or do I have to commit and drop the entire box to take a look, at which point and I half way to changing the clutch anyway?

Finally, off the top of anyone's head, is the DUU gearbox slave cylinder inside the box or outside? I don't have the car with me, as it is at work in the basement in the dark as I am driving a borrowed car while I search this issue out and get it sorted.

Thanks in advance!