Hi Guys.

I recently bought a 2000 Mk IV Golf GLE 2.0L Manual.

I absolutely love it, Today i went to lock it using the remote central locking and it didn't lock, found out that the remote for the central locking decided to die, which is fine as i have another one. But i was just wondering if i would be able to get a flip key cut, and just put the immobiliser from the old key into a new flip key and then just get it coded for the remote central locking that is already installed in my car.

The remote central locking system that i have is a votex system, not sure of precise model numbers but it is identical to the Cobra 1046 Remote central locking system.

Remote key central door locking system: Cobra 1046 Keyless System

I was just wondering if anyone knows anything more about this remote central locking system and whether what i have mentioned above would be possible?
