Hi All,

A few weeks ago when I had the golf up on the hoist to replace front rotors, we noticed a drop of green coolant that seemed to be directly under the water pump area. So, thinking it's best to nip it in the bud, I am replacing the water pump, timing belt, and the rocker cover gasket, which is also now leaking a bit more. I'm doing it this Saturday (my good mate the qualified mechanic is), and I was wondering if there was any info/advice out there on anything I need to look out for, or any parts I'd missed?? I will have alreday bought about $500 worth of parts by Sat, so not keen to spend too much more as I may sell to get a gti down the line.

Here's the car stats and the parts list, feel free to add any constructive input! :

2000 MK4 Golf 1.6L, 5sp Man, 135000 kms, Engine: AKL, Anything else???

Parts - Already Bought:

- Basically a head/rocker cover gasket kit, where I'll replace the rocker cover gasket and all other inlet/outlet gaskets along the way, using all/most except the head gasket.

Timing Belt Kit - Timing Belt, Timing Belt Tensioner, 2 seals,

Water Pump - Plastic impellar, I asked for metal, but plastic turned up, can refund if I want.

Thermostat - plus o-ring/gasket.

Parts - To Buy:

Oil - Looking at Mobil 1 ESP 5W30, avail at GLLubrication, 5L = $65, +post = $80.

Oil Filter - no idea, suggestions?

Coolant - old is green, so looking for G12++ or whatever it's called, will have to flush old,

Anything else?

Notes - I'm not sure if this oil is for a more 'perfect' engine, and I might need something thicker? or is this high end oil providing the protection I need. I guess I'm just worried about the oil being too thin on a car that is already pumping out oil up through the rocker cover gasket.

Was thinking of doing an oil flush, but don't know much about it.