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Thread: Major Service + Extras - Self Imposed...

  1. #1
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    Major Service + Extras - Self Imposed...

    Hi All,

    A few weeks ago when I had the golf up on the hoist to replace front rotors, we noticed a drop of green coolant that seemed to be directly under the water pump area. So, thinking it's best to nip it in the bud, I am replacing the water pump, timing belt, and the rocker cover gasket, which is also now leaking a bit more. I'm doing it this Saturday (my good mate the qualified mechanic is), and I was wondering if there was any info/advice out there on anything I need to look out for, or any parts I'd missed?? I will have alreday bought about $500 worth of parts by Sat, so not keen to spend too much more as I may sell to get a gti down the line.

    Here's the car stats and the parts list, feel free to add any constructive input! :

    2000 MK4 Golf 1.6L, 5sp Man, 135000 kms, Engine: AKL, Anything else???

    Parts - Already Bought:

    VRS Kit
    - Basically a head/rocker cover gasket kit, where I'll replace the rocker cover gasket and all other inlet/outlet gaskets along the way, using all/most except the head gasket.

    Timing Belt Kit - Timing Belt, Timing Belt Tensioner, 2 seals,

    Water Pump - Plastic impellar, I asked for metal, but plastic turned up, can refund if I want.

    Thermostat - plus o-ring/gasket.

    Parts - To Buy:

    Oil - Looking at Mobil 1 ESP 5W30, avail at GLLubrication, 5L = $65, +post = $80.

    Oil Filter - no idea, suggestions?

    Coolant - old is green, so looking for G12++ or whatever it's called, will have to flush old,

    Anything else?

    Notes - I'm not sure if this oil is for a more 'perfect' engine, and I might need something thicker? or is this high end oil providing the protection I need. I guess I'm just worried about the oil being too thin on a car that is already pumping out oil up through the rocker cover gasket.

    Was thinking of doing an oil flush, but don't know much about it.
    Dark Grey Mk4 Golf, 1.8T GTI conversion, APR stage 1, stock air intake, FMIC, 3" to 2.5" Exhaust, FK AK Street Coils, Black 18" (Avant Garde M310's ?), tinted tails, ...

  2. #2
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    The oil filter is pretty common, and you can get them from pretty much anywhere. Dealers usually charge no more than $20.

    As for the oil itself, 5W30 is probably a little thin. A good 10W30 might be a better option.

    G12++ pink coolant is idea, as you know it's correct for the car. As you said, it's ideal to do a full flush of the green stuff.

    An oil flush can't hurt. You can buy a bottle of commercially-available stuff, or even half a litre of diesel fuel in th existing oil will do a similar job.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
    '01 Beetle 2.0

  3. #3
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    Don't use that green glycol coolant, it is probably why your water pump failed. Use only G12++. Get all the green stuff out as they don't mix too well.

    Don't put in a plastic water pump, go back and get the metal one. Plastic will break and the car will overheat.
    MK4 GTI - Sold
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    MK5 Jetta 2.Slow - Until it dies.

  4. #4
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    Thanks guys,

    Yeah, the green coolant is from the old owner. I'm def getting rid of that and flushing it, then getting 2 x 1.5L bottles of G12++ from probably HSY to mix 50/50 with 3L of (distilled) water to make a total of 6L, 1L left for top-ups.

    Water Pump: They (ASV) were certain that it was metal, and didn't know that their supplier had changed from metal to plastic within the last shipment. They even went & checked several boxes in dis-belief. They don't have other metal impellar ones, so I'd have to get a refund, or swap for coolant, oil filter etc, etc,. Or just get the refund & get the water pump, coolant, etc, from HSY around the corner from me, they're a bit cheaper as well. I'll ring to check their water pump is metal impellar.

    JC - your thoughts on the oil? should I go with the VW recomended "Mobil 1 ESP 5W30" ? Or is that for 'newer' cars? should I get something thicker? That could end up cheaper too, but I'd prefer to spend a little if I get the right oil over a cheaper option in this case.

    I think I might do the oil flush if I can find out more info, looks a little gunky in there.

    ---------- Post added at 12:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:52 PM ----------

    Any more people out there with thoughts on the oil?

    2000 golf 1.6L (AKL) with 135000 kms?
    Also, it will probably be going in after an oil flush. Rings are most prob original too.

    ---------- Post added at 12:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:55 PM ----------

    How much oil do I need?
    Dark Grey Mk4 Golf, 1.8T GTI conversion, APR stage 1, stock air intake, FMIC, 3" to 2.5" Exhaust, FK AK Street Coils, Black 18" (Avant Garde M310's ?), tinted tails, ...

  5. #5
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    You'll only need a 5L bottle of engine oil. You'll usually have .5-.7L leftover for top-ups.

    The water pump you should be able to get through HSY. As for metal Vs plastic, it's up to you in the end. There's good and bad sides to both.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
    '01 Beetle 2.0

  6. #6
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    I don't think its a big deal plastic V metal. They last 10 years and you would be a fool not to change it with every belt change. Also mentioned getting a GTI so unless you are going to sell it to someone in the family, no guilt to worry about. I have a plastic one in my A4, never keeps me awake and the one that broke was plastic.

  7. #7
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    Hey mate, not sure if you mentioned it above but have a geez at your fuel filter. Pretty sure they last ages especially if you're using good clean fuel. I did mine last service the filter only cost me $37 and installing it was really a piece of cake for me with no mechanical experience.

  8. #8
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    Just ordered from HSY, I should've gone to these guys before, they're cheaper AND right near my work.

    Ordered from HSY:
    WATER PUMP - Metal Impeller and about $10 cheaper!

    COOLANT: G12 or G12++, he wasn't sure.

    OIL FILTER: Standard.

    Still have to find OIL. I REALLY need advice on that!

    - k
    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Dark Grey Mk4 Golf, 1.8T GTI conversion, APR stage 1, stock air intake, FMIC, 3" to 2.5" Exhaust, FK AK Street Coils, Black 18" (Avant Garde M310's ?), tinted tails, ...

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jackfa View Post
    Hey mate, not sure if you mentioned it above but have a geez at your fuel filter. Pretty sure they last ages especially if you're using good clean fuel. I did mine last service the filter only cost me $37 and installing it was really a piece of cake for me with no mechanical experience.
    Thanks, I might just do that!

    Any input on the oil?

    - k
    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Dark Grey Mk4 Golf, 1.8T GTI conversion, APR stage 1, stock air intake, FMIC, 3" to 2.5" Exhaust, FK AK Street Coils, Black 18" (Avant Garde M310's ?), tinted tails, ...

  10. #10
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    Which oil for a 2000 golf 1.6?

    ---------- Post added at 03:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:26 AM ----------


    I have to buy this oil tomorrow morning, NO-ONE out there can recommend an oil?? C'mon guys!!
    Dark Grey Mk4 Golf, 1.8T GTI conversion, APR stage 1, stock air intake, FMIC, 3" to 2.5" Exhaust, FK AK Street Coils, Black 18" (Avant Garde M310's ?), tinted tails, ...

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