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Thread: Luka's .:R32 #69

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Well done, get a vid of it running when it's all back together can't wait to hear the beast running. I would agree with robbie, keep the badge to the centre if possible looks better when it's close to its original state.

    What are your plans for the MKV?? Is it dsg or manual?

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
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    your build/rebuild looks awesome man! im digging the black manifold! badge looks good in the left corner i reckon.

  3. #23
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    Last edited by Mk3_Vr6; 11-06-2015 at 02:03 PM.

  4. #24
    Join Date
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    Dave @ Reflect Effect in North Parramatta - took my R32 there a few months ago for a detail and tint, couldn't be any happier with the work.

    Vehicle Detailing, Paint Correction and Protection Services and Window Tinting - Reflect Effect

    Another place I can highly recommend on the basis of my friends experience with taking his R32 was Auto Slick. Azghar is an absolute champion and knows his stuff. Welcome

    These guys seem pretty good too from what I've heard - Â* Â* Â* Â* Â* Â*Welcome to Bright Shine Mobile Car Detailing in Sydney - Home

    Can also speak for Raj and the crew @ TWD (The Weekend Detailer) -
    He uses the finest of products and treats your car with the utmost care while in his hands.

    Alternative, do it yourself.. easier, and you can achieve a result you want and at least your involved with your car

    Any photos of the R32 wheels? Lucky you snapped them up because a friend of mine enquired on behalf of his friend with a standard MKIV Golf who has been on the hunt for some time. What are you going to do with your old R32 wheels?

    If you need to order products, give this website a go, I bought heaps of Dodo Juice and duragloss products from them, fast delivery and competitive pricing. I speak very highly of

    Last edited by robbie; 21-12-2013 at 06:05 PM.

  5. #25
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    Last edited by Mk3_Vr6; 11-06-2015 at 02:03 PM.

  6. #26
    Join Date
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    Looking very nice mate. Keep up the good work!
    No. 164 - HPA Competition Haldex Controller, KW V3's, Southbend Stage 2 Singlemass Flywheel, Simota Racing Air Intake

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    NSW, Sydney
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    Love it Luka!

    Remember this? This was written by the previous owner to the bloke you bought the car off. This surely goes down in history as one of the funniest car advertisements ever.

    "Alright ladies and gents , take a seat , no not that standard everyday computer chair of yours, You'll need something better, walk into your lounge room and take a seat on that leather recliner u have, take your shoes off, loosen that belt and prepare yourself , as this is the last time YOU will ever be called Nancy boy behind your back.

    Man has conquered Everest, been down to the great depths of the ocean, soared through the sky's , dune buggied on the moon but nothing has come close to mans greatest frontier, a 2004 Volkswagen golf r32 in silver.

    Are you a man? better yet are you a mans man? (or woman). Then this is the car for you, it goes fast , like real fast, like you've woken up at 8.45am and you have a 9am appointment 40km away in the city kinda fast. And who doesn't like going fast? grandmas, That's who. Are you a grandma? yes? than stop any more embarrassment and read no further. No? Then you need this car.

    Whats it drive like you say? well for one it handles like a junior friggn executive CEO of some big ass law firm, Like going side ways? Well your looking in the wrong section, go look at some skyline or other pansy sh*$ box car to do your sideways action in, This machine is all wheel drive like some crazy Pikes Peak rally car.

    Doors? There's only 2, 1 for you and 1 for that hot sexy bi%$# who will no doubt be fighting to keep you, after all, a car like this will have ladies lining up for you to pick and choose at your will.

    Manliness? All previous owners of this car had beards FACT! This thing oozes it.

    I get it, you're busy (probably wearing that Armani suit coz u like fine things), I'm Busy
    lets not waste time, i know you want this , so call me now, or send me a message , ill send you one right back, That's how this works.."

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Newcastle, NSW
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    Well Done Luka! I was looking at buying this too, but was a bit scared off by what could be wrong with it, but you took it on and made it happen! I'm a bit jealous, but I'll get over it!

    I think I know your uncle Oli too, he sold me my whole engine and running gear for my MK4 GTI conversion (from a black GTI writeoff he MAY have been driving around), still runs like a charm!

    Can't wait to see some more pics when you've fixed up the front mesh/grilles etc. My only 2c is for some rear spacers, changes the look to be just right! It was one of my favourite mods on mine.
    Dark Grey Mk4 Golf, 1.8T GTI conversion, APR stage 1, stock air intake, FMIC, 3" to 2.5" Exhaust, FK AK Street Coils, Black 18" (Avant Garde M310's ?), tinted tails, ...

  9. #29
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    Last edited by Mk3_Vr6; 11-06-2015 at 02:03 PM.

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