Custer being hard to read is common once it gets warm. 25deg+ day and I start to loose bits of mine.
Hi Guys,
Just a small new thread for some other things in the Bora I am wanting some input from you guys, if you do t mind.
I have two codes in the system, a cam sensor and an air intake temp sensor, the cam sensor seems pretty straight forward however the AIT has slightly stumped me, could stone shed some light on that?
My red screen in the cluster is very hard to read in the day, is this a common problem?
My temp gauge goes Up and down all the time, sometimes not even working, however on my scan tool it seems like the temp s are fine???
Thanks in advance for your input.
Custer being hard to read is common once it gets warm. 25deg+ day and I start to loose bits of mine.
Replace your temp gauge sender and that will sort fluctuations. Located at front of engine held in by circlip. 5 min job.
check all the plastic intake pipes for a split.... common issue
As Dylan states cluster prob once temps go above mid twenties inside .... prob not worth the expense of replacing or repairing
Thanks guys, I wasn't sure about the temp sensor as it appeared fine on the scan tool and thought it could be related to a poor connection to the LCD screen, however it would appear as though it's the normal issues.
Thanks guys I'll check the hoses and get those sensors cashed out and report back
yeah I get the same thing with the little red lcd display on my instrument panel on hot days. I was playing with the idea of replacing it with something a little clearer
I do know that all lcds have a contrast setting, seeing as how it's only dull, I had a look online to see if anyone had the same idea, there was, I followed most of his advise, however I will be using a different resister to him, this is how it has turned out so far, you can see it without the resister, almost can't see anything, with it much better, once I get the right one, it should be sweet.
Video of the difference
Interesting! Keen to see how this goes
So far not much luck with the resisters I have on hand (they are quite close together in ohms), going to buy a Potentiometer tomorrow and install a variable contrast dial for it, that way I can set it to what I want.
So I ended up running with a pot to have a variable contrast, of course I picked up the wrong one so I had to customise it with some additional resisters, which ended up being about 100k of resistance. Depending on how bad your screen is will depend on how much you will require to put inline.
The video of the variable resistance
The result
Let me know if anyone would like to know how to do this.
Mine is bright and contrasting up to reasonable cabin temps .... once it heats up I loose definition.
Last edited by LeStig; 10-01-2017 at 05:33 PM.