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Thread: A long time coming, Rob's 4motion turbo build!

  1. #131
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    I'd try and give them a whistle through their live chat if you can. That always seems to work better.

    2001 Turbo! 4mo Bora 'Boring' | Carbinaro CAI | Fixing broken stuff | Sorting the Turbo Goodness! | BBS Lm's 18x8.5 | KW V2's | 4 pot Brembo's

  2. #132
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
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    So i plugged my vag-com into the car the other day to try and find out why my Check Engine light is permanently on. Brought up the code Evap leak detection pump - open circuit or something along those lines. I've looked over all my wiring and can't find anything unplugged... to be honest i can't find a leak detection pump. From what i understand on many golf's they're by the fuel tank filler behind the splash guard and although i havent pulled this off to look, i cant see any wiring or vacuum piping heading that way to indicate it exists!

    Could anyone confirm if our V6 4motions have them? I'm wondering if because my ECU is from a UK based golf 4motion, if it's some stray code either in the ecu or in the US tune? When i clear the fault the car runs slightly rougher untill a couple seconds later when the fault re-establishes itself and it runs smooth again.


  3. #133
    Join Date
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    Ipswich, QLD
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    According to the bentley the LDP should be either connected to the EVAP canister (drivers side rear wheel housing) or it will be mounted under the passenger rear wheel housing under the liner. I know the bentley is not always correct as its not written for our cars in oz but its worth a shot

    Edit, see attached. Looks like its in the right rear wheel housing.

    Last edited by Coralon; 11-05-2011 at 09:07 AM.
    2003 Bora 4Motion

  4. #134
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    Thanks for that mate! With your reference i've now found the section in my bentley manual too and it does look like it is in the rear right wheel housing, might have to pull out the splash shield and check that all is as it should be! Might just be co-incidence that it failed whilst the car was off the road i guess.

  5. #135
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    Got the turbo back Friday good as new

    Since it last ran i've done a few things, re-sealed the timing chain cover which involved pulling the intake, rocker cover, thermostat, ****load of wiring etc out so i gain access.

    Am re-designing the oil return so its straigher and flows better, thus sump will need to come off to weld in new bung.

    Installed boost controller.

    Hopefully were up and running soon again!

  6. #136
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Cronulla, NSW
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    good on you man, can't wait to see and hear her running again asap. post pics and vid or ban
    MY02 Bora V6 4Mo|Matte Black plastidip|VTDA|R32 Exhaust|R32 dampers and springs|TT pedals|R32 steering wheel|17" 8L S3 rims|R32 sways|Blue Haldex|EBC reds

  7. #137
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Newcastle, NSW
    Congrats mate, almost there now!

  8. #138
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Gordon, NSW
    Users Country Flag
    Awesome build, cant wait to see more

  9. #139
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
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    Ok yet another progress update!

    Monday i pulled the sump and redid the oil drain, its now much nicer and much higher in the pan and if my guestimations are right it should be just above the oil level when the engine's running thus perfect for the oil drain

    I've also now completely put everthing on the top of the motor back together, rocker cover's back on, wiring is back together, coolant lines where they should be, throttle body etc etc I've also cut and re-welded the wastegate line into the dump to give a smoother and better flow so hopefully that should help promote exhaust flow.

    Final things to do are to finish installing the boost controller, install my buddy club digimeter oil temp gauge and put everything back together! I'm contemplating ceramic coating the exhaust from the manifold back to the dump but am not 100% sure yet as its not cheap and i really just want to bolt everything back together! If i dont i'll likely have the car back together before the weekend which will be just in time to finish the exhaust in 3" as i've now ordered my mufflers and piping for that too

    If all goes to plan it'll be all done end of this weekend, but its all dependant on parts arriving on time, me getting my uni work done, and also squeezing it all in around close to full time night shift work! Not to mention me having to go through some bathroom renovation quotes and go shopping for bathroom vanity's and assorted bits. Haha no wonder people call me a workaholic!
    Last edited by WhO; 18-05-2011 at 12:06 AM.

  10. #140
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
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    Oh i have photos too so i'll save a space here for them! Also once i've finished the exhaust and got everything nice i'll actually clean the car properly, give it a polish and get some decent pics up

    Old on the left as you can see far from ideal with the drop which was then followed by a curve up, also too low in the pan and only a dash 8 size fitting with what must've been a dash 6 equivilant id of the drain hose. New speedflow fitting is on the right and is dash 10 which of course will have a properly sized dash 10 hose.

    Old one now blocked off with a plug, might chuck a oil temp sensor in there, although currently i have the sensor in an adapter sump plug so i'll just leave it spare for the moment

    Shows relative location in the sump and height. Speedflow fitting was welded from the inside to prevent damaging the threads on it, made for a messier weld but it'll do!
    Last edited by WhO; 18-05-2011 at 01:29 PM.

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