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Thread: A long time coming, Rob's 4motion turbo build!

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
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    Sorry to all who are subscribed for the lack of updates! Been insanely busy with work so i've had really very little free time over the past few weeks to get online.

    Anyway even still i've been working away at the car over the last 2 weekends. Put in a solid days work last weekend and did another solid day today. Status as of last weekend was i had the head off and thus put in the decompression spacer + arp head studs, fitted the new injectors, changed the crack pipe (mine was fine but i thought whilst i had everything apart why not), refitted the head, cleaned and painted the rocker cover and finshed putting everything gearbox related back on. From today the front suspension and drive components are all back in with most bushes replaced, brakes are on, turbo water and oil lines nearly sorted out and welded in the return line fitting into the sump and whilst doing that i changed the rod bolts to ARP hardware too.

    I'm going to try and get more done on it tomorrow although i have a mate who i've promised to make a dump pipe for so that might halt progress for the day although i would like to try and get my front section of my exhaust made as well as the remainder of my intercooled piping made if i have time. There's still a surprising amount of work left but i'm hoping startup may be only a couple days of work away. That said with work and me going away next weekend for a friends wedding i think it may still be 2 weeks away bugger

    I have taken some photos, but not as many as i would've liked too (the whole getting stuck into it and simply forgetting) so i'll try to get them uploaded asap!

    I'll give a proper update later on, i promise but for now this'll have to do

    Last edited by WhO; 12-02-2011 at 11:46 PM.

  2. #42
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by WhO View Post
    brake fluid to the eye = ouch... trust me!
    Safety first remember!
    Nothing to see here...

  3. #43
    Join Date
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    Nice work Rob.. your 1 day closer

  4. #44
    Join Date
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    haha - i don't know which one is better

    MY02 Bora V6 4Mo|Matte Black plastidip|VTDA|R32 Exhaust|R32 dampers and springs|TT pedals|R32 steering wheel|17" 8L S3 rims|R32 sways|Blue Haldex|EBC reds

  5. #45
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    BUMP for updates

  6. #46
    Join Date
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    Bump for UPDATES
    im not going to dovw !!

  7. #47
    Join Date
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    Gosh I'm terrible at keeping this updated, sorry about that guys!

    Ok so since my last update I think I'd refitted the head and painted up the rocker cover. Well since then unfortunately I haven't gotten nearly as far as I had hoped Work being the main culprit. With a mass exodus of staff I was stuck working practically every day meaning the car was put on hold, that's last months excuse. This months excuse is a combination of work and being back at uni full time, thus again barely any time to work on the car (I'm actually writing this from my phone in a lecture after having worked last night night shift... :-/ )

    Anyway, excuses aside, progress that has been made is head is on, turbo is on, dump pipe has been made injectors wired up and ecu installed. Intake to the turbo has been made and installed and oil and water lines have been made. Essentially I just need to fit the plenum, finish the exhaust and finish the intake. I've also decided to add a mocal oil cooler so I'm also waiting on that to arrive till I can finish up.

    unfortunately all this means that the car won't be ready for day of the Volkswagen but I promise I'll bring it to A meet up as soon as it's done!

    Pictures will follow... Eventually
    Sorry again for the complete lack of updates!

  8. #48
    Join Date
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    Sounds like you are still making steady progress - even if it's not as fast as you would like. I look forward to seeing the pics in due course.

  9. #49
    Join Date
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    this is so awesome man. Epic's the word.
    MY02 Bora V6 4Mo|Matte Black plastidip|VTDA|R32 Exhaust|R32 dampers and springs|TT pedals|R32 steering wheel|17" 8L S3 rims|R32 sways|Blue Haldex|EBC reds

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Melbourne VIC

    Keep up the good work mate.

    Dont stress about rushing either... Do it as it comes as im sure you know it will be well worth it!

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