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Thread: The little things that make you smile

  1. #1

    The little things that make you smile

    After owning my 2001 GTi for about a month now, I have noticed lots of little things that show how much thought went into the design and engineering of the Golf.

    A few things I love:

    - When turning off the engine and ignition all the way, the stereo keeps playing. As soon as you take the key out of the ignition, the stereo turns off and the interior lights come on, regardless of if you have the door open.

    - The back seats fold ALL the way down and completely flat, creating a gigantic boot if needed for moving big stuff. Also when you need to get the seats back up there is a neat slot for your hand to get down and get a grip on the seat backs.

    - There is a foot-rest for your left foot, which is standard on most cars, but there is also a comfy spot for you to put your right foot, say while using cruise control on the highway. It's still nice and close to the pedals for when you have to brake, etc. Don't know if this one was intentional, but it's very comfy and about the same position as the left foot rest.

    Just wondering what other people notice/appreciate in their Golf's?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Users Country Flag
    When fresh petrol is just in the tank, always makes me -> <-

  3. #3
    gpk_gti Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by DIDZ
    When fresh petrol is just in the tank, always makes me -> <-
    hehe,u sniffn???
    I just love the build quality and the reliability.
    also love how much room it has inside for such a small car.
    but the best of all is how easy it is to find modded bits for the golf...the most modded car in the world!!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Sydney NSW

    I love how when inserting the key into the door and holding it to the right all the windows go down automatically - great when the car is hot.

    And holding key to the left puts all the windows up and closes the sunroof - brilliant.

    When keys are removed power stays on for another 10 seconds to facilitate closing windows, sunroof.

    The little 'handles' on the back seats when folding are fantastic.

    Boot becomes massive.

    Putting indicator on and then turning off ignition leaves the snow lights on which ever side the blinker was on - like all euro cars but still cool.

    Bucket seats with lumber support - loving it.

    The rear boot cover tray actually retracts the little ropes when you take the tray out so they don't get lost or damaged.

    Gotta love the Germans!

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