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Thread: 1.8t AGU Air Fuel Ratio on Factory Tune

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    1.8t AGU Air Fuel Ratio on Factory Tune

    Has anyone had a wideband sensor on their 1.8T AGU motor before? Just curious what AFR the factory tune typically runs?

    I've got one on my car at the moment, when I floor it from idle to redline, the AFR starts at about 13.8:1 and slowly comes down to about 12.5:1 by redline. This seems a tad lean to me for a turbo car, but I know some of the more modern factory tunes don't run all that rich compared to older turbo engines. I've done a lot of work on subaru and nissan motors and they run right down in the 11:1 range on the factory tune under full boost...

    Anyone got any other measurements of the factory tune I can compare to?

    I should point out that under light throttle the AFR is spot on at 14.7:1 and the fuel trims are all perfect using the scan tool, the car runs strong under boost, so it doesn't feel like I have a fuel delivery problem...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Melbourne, Mexico
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    Quote Originally Posted by tmh983 View Post
    Has anyone had a wideband sensor on their 1.8T AGU motor before? Just curious what AFR the factory tune typically runs?

    I've got one on my car at the moment, when I floor it from idle to redline, the AFR starts at about 13.8:1 and slowly comes down to about 12.5:1 by redline. This seems a tad lean to me for a turbo car, but I know some of the more modern factory tunes don't run all that rich compared to older turbo engines. I've done a lot of work on subaru and nissan motors and they run right down in the 11:1 range on the factory tune under full boost...

    Anyone got any other measurements of the factory tune I can compare to?

    I should point out that under light throttle the AFR is spot on at 14.7:1 and the fuel trims are all perfect using the scan tool, the car runs strong under boost, so it doesn't feel like I have a fuel delivery problem...
    I don't know what a std one runs at. These aren't Japanese turbo motors though, tuned VW ones don't go that low.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Most "wideband" sensors are not that accurate as they get further away from lambda
    the systems use on dyno cost about $3000 compared to the $200 units and close to stoichiometric they are apparently very accurate, but less so as they get further away

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