I re-did my seat and it was a pretty intensive procedure but fun all the sameYou could get it re-done probably cheaper to buy a 2nd hand seat or something
In relation to my previous post on MKIV/A3 values, I recently looked at what otherwise appears to be a reasonable condition A3 8l 1.8T with leather interior. However, the side bolster on the driver's seat has worn through...
Anyone had this section repaired/re-trimmed on their A3 or MKIV? What did it cost you?
I re-did my seat and it was a pretty intensive procedure but fun all the sameYou could get it re-done probably cheaper to buy a 2nd hand seat or something
Audi B4 80 Q V6 '94 Race Car !! KEGGED
Audi B4 80 V6 Avant '94 Only one in the country that I know of !!! KEGGED
Subaru Forester XT '06 Genome Exhaust/Car-PC/Boost Gauge/Oettingers !
--VW Bora V6 4mo '01 Gone
I've been watching this seller on ebay, x-otic2006 | eBay
pricing looks between $150 - $450 for leather replacement seat covers.
Wish they did them for the recaros in the mk4 gti
Platinum Grey mkV Jetta turbo, Viezu motorsport map, GT-CX 18", lowering to come
other manufacturers (toyota, mazda, nissan from memory) sell patch kits for the driver side bolster. not sure if audi does similar.
Thanks for the advice.
Looks like the car has been sold, however I'm sure this won't be the only one I come across with a dodgy side bolster.