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Thread: K03s MK4 Swap

  1. #1
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    K03s MK4 Swap

    Hey guys, just a quick one, i'm looking at getting a K03s for my GTI, how hard are they to swap over?


  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by greengti89 View Post
    Hey guys, just a quick one, i'm looking at getting a K03s for my GTI, how hard are they to swap over?

    How long is a piece of string?? Can you swing spanners?


  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by h100vw View Post
    How long is a piece of string??

    The answer to this is of course "Twice the distance from the middle to the end ..."

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by h100vw View Post
    How long is a piece of string?? Can you swing spanners?

    Ah that old question.

    Yea i can swing spanners, that's not an issue. Just haven't changed a turbo on a golf before.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by h100vw View Post
    How long is a piece of string?
    last time i bought a piece of string it was 2 metres, but may be things have changed since last time i went shopping...

    i know this is for a different motor but i thought it might give you an idea of whats required and some good techniques including ratcheting the engine forward so you can get better access to remove the turbo...

  6. #6
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    It's not that big a deal. A few lads have done them in he last 12 months. I have tuned at least 3. Some bits are just awkward, nothing is impossible. One consideration is the turbo inlet pipe. The std one what swap over, so get a silicon one.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by h100vw View Post
    It's not that big a deal. A few lads have done them in he last 12 months. I have tuned at least 3. Some bits are just awkward, nothing is impossible. One consideration is the turbo inlet pipe. The std one what swap over, so get a silicon one.
    Thanks Gavin, yea i have already got a silicon intake on the car, i figured that would be the better option when my factory on split. Do they have the same dump pipe connection? I have a 3inch dump and exhaust system on mine, so i'm hoping they bolt straight up.

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    as long as you get new exhaust->turbo->manifold gaskets and copper washers for the oil and water feeds, and new bolts for the turbo to manifold its really pretty simple. just fiddly.
    I took mine out by the bottom with lots of wiggling and swinging the motor with the dog bone disconnected.
    You can reuse the standard intake hose if you use a dremel and cut off the metal collar that clips onto the standard metal part at the bottom and just use a big clamp, it is what I have on mine for the time being.

    it took me a weekend just taking my time with the help of a friend when putting it back in as you need to hold it up and do up bolts and line up the hoses etc.

    the trickiest part is lining up the oil and water feed lines as they need to hug the block. it also pays to take photos of the hoses and wiring so you know how to route them when complete.

    I am handy with tools but no mechanic.
    I have done my own timing belt and water pump and also the clutch on my previous car.
    don't be scared just make sure you have spare time for contingency plans if anything holds you up/breaks.

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