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Thread: installing a FORGE smic

  1. #1
    gpk_gti Guest

    installing a FORGE smic

    buy forge smic from ebay or some other place,,,yum yum

    remove dodgy standard one!! hehe only joking

    Last edited by gpk_gti; 10-02-2007 at 05:31 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Melbourne, Mexico
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    I am sure you'll see the difference with that fitted.

    I had mine in at a local engineering place this morning. Having a front mount installed on the A3, in 2 weeks time, prior to the big turbo I have in the shed going on.

    Looking forward to that

  3. #3
    gpk_gti Guest
    remove the two bolts from top,,these are a pain!

    there is also a bolt from bottom ,that has a sliding type nut that is attached to a bracket.If you dont know this(like me) you wonder why for 15 minutes why bolt wont start!!
    as mine is a 2000 model,its without the block hole!

  4. #4
    gpk_gti Guest
    finally make sure all pipework is attached securely and double check bolts!
    Finally stand back and admire the new shiny intercooler that no one will see!!!

    now for a boost controller!!! any advice?????

  5. #5
    gpk_gti Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by h100vw
    I am sure you'll see the difference with that fitted.

    I had mine in at a local engineering place this morning. Having a front mount installed on the A3, in 2 weeks time, prior to the big turbo I have in the shed going on.

    Looking forward to that
    yeah its strange,,,feels different but im not sure how.smoother??? what did you notice?

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Thanks for sharing, now in DIY & FAQ

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by gpk_gti
    yeah its strange,,,feels different but im not sure how.smoother??? what did you notice?
    Only went in today so they could scope the job for 2 weeks time. My car is sill std apart from the Forge DV, TIP and a full 3inch turbo back system.

    gavin big pipe start of downpipe poxy cooler not so poxy cooler
    Last edited by h100vw; 10-02-2007 at 06:16 PM.

  8. #8
    BLKMJC Guest
    I was looking at smic and the difference is not that huge compared to the stock one. I would get a fmic. What you will notice is less heatsoak after repeated wot through the gears.

    Nice one


  9. #9
    gpk_gti Guest
    got it cheap,, anyway my mission on this car is to modify without damaging or altering too in,with a fmic chopping the bar and front mounts.
    The vr6 I had before I copped too much loss as I modified without thinking what happens when I sell it.All the parts that have been removed/changed I have and will replace when the time comes to sell!
    hey h100vwwhats that after the cat??
    and guys im thinking of changing the plastic grill that is in front of the IC on the bar.Any ideas??
    Thanks mikinoz,, forgot about the diy thread,, will take more photos in future!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    There is a flexi joint, sport cat and 2 silencers in the system. I also had an extra bung fitted next to the lambda probe for my wideband data logger.


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