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Thread: installing a FORGE smic

  1. #11
    gpk_gti Guest

    hmmm,why 2 silencers?? dont you have a rear muffler???
    ive got 2 3/4 dump pipe,ceramic coated,flex,standard cat, no middle silencer and rear MTM muffler.

  2. #12
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    Believe me it needs 2 silencers, it sounds fine at tickover but once you are rolling the noise picks up significantly.

    Could be an English thing but a muffler is the same as a silencer to me, isn't it?


  3. #13
    gpk_gti Guest
    heehee,,sorry ,muffler is usually the larger type box and a silencer is the smaller round one,some people call it a hotdog.mine is not too load at all,, maybe its bacause I have the purpose built for mk4gti MTM rear muffler.
    Found I had more in car noise when I changed my dogbone mount!!
    im used to the loud vr6 howl!!

  4. #14
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    The wife whined about the vibration caused by the poly dog bone I fitted but with the big blower on it's gonna need it.

  5. #15
    gpk_gti Guest
    hahahahaha,, I was just updating my vibrations thread about the dogbone mount!!
    make sure you take some photos of the upgrade!!

  6. #16
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    I will be doing. Hopefully it'll be sorted in the next month or so.


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