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Thread: Ignition problems bora

  1. #1

    Ignition problems bora

    Ignition issues....... Tab that slots into ignition switch has broken so I now start the car with screwdriver and key..... pulled out airbag and all that to see if I can get out the whole unit for repair but im kinda stumped almost ready to pay someone anyone recommend someone to help located Brisbane.
    car is 2001 bora 4mo

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Munno Para West Adelaide
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    Trying to take out the barrel?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
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    Is it the spindle that goes from the key barrel to the switch that has snapped?

    If so I think that I can get these but I would need a photo of your one to confirm. Your other options are a wreckers or getting a new ignition housing, this would be in the price range of $400.

    The housing would be held on to the steering column with sheer off bolts from memory. You wont have to remove the steering wheel and airbag.

    If you are stuck with this bit and want to do it yourself can you post a couple of photos from around the ignition housing, or text them to me? 0429 266 162.


  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Munno Para West Adelaide
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    I changed my ignition barrel when I did my conversion and just stuck coat hanger into the small hole where the key goes and turned it and pulled it out.

  5. #5
    Ignition problems bora-img_5665-jpgIgnition problems bora-img_6092-jpg
    It is the spindle that goes from the key barrel to the switch that has snapped
    taking out the key barrel is easy with a paper clip, but the spindle is much deeper

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
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    Is it part of the ignition barrel on this? I am looking at some pictures I have for what I think is the correct barrel for your car and it looks like the spindle is part of the barrel. If it is I can get replacements and key it to your key.

    As for the spindle, I thought that I had got them in before for a Golf but I can't find them, maybe I'm thinking of something else..?

  7. #7
    what ive seen in videos it's not connected to the main key lock but further down the system

  8. #8

    all fixed replaced the ignition housing

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