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Thread: I think it's time to go...

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Thumbs down I think it's time to go...

    I'm sworn off Volkswagens for life! I know mine is 10 years old, but in the space of 50,000 km I have done the following:

    - Replaced water pump
    - Replaced timing belt (same time as pump went, previous owner was too tight to do pump at same time he did belt)
    - Replaced temp sensor
    - Replaced MAF
    - Clutch pedal repaired and welded
    - Made and installed external resistor mod for fans (internal resistors fried)
    - Machined front rotors and new pads
    - Replaced front rotors and new pads
    - Replaced dogbone mount
    - Cleared and drained sunroof pipes because of blockage
    - Five 17" tyres
    - Replaced battery
    - Standard servicing (air filter, cabin filter, oil, oil filter, wipers etc)
    - Light globes have been replaced so often it's a joke

    Things to address:

    - Lock mechanisms have a life of their own (I know the fix, but don't see the point wasting my time)
    - Driver's lock barrel broken and needs replacing
    - Boot barrel broken and needs replacing
    - Engine air con fan squeals on initial start up
    - Air con flapper is confused
    - Sometimes indicators don't flash (they stay on, probably a relay fault)
    - Suspension squeaks like crazy
    - Brakes need attention, again

    And the very latest:

    - Bolt came out/snapped from one of the front suspension arms

    I treated this car well and it's just given me hell in return! It's a shame because I honestly think if they weren't so unreliable and expensive to maintain they would be one of the best cars around. It has sharp looks, beautiful interior, amazing seats, excellent fuel economy (I get between 9-10 L/100 km driving spritely) and good performance.

    Next? heart says WRX or XR5. Brain says Focus (probably just a Zetec) and hell, I'm even considering a Corolla so I don't have mechanical issues to plague me every day.
    2000 Mk IV GTI

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    That is a fair list but really a suspension refresh kit, new or even second hand AC flapper and a couple of lock barrels and you would have a car good for another 5 years at least. You have done all the big stuff but each to his own I guess, personally I know the japaneese cars are bullet proof, the euro built big brand (GM, Ford) turbos are bang for your buck like nothing else but there is something about VW that has won me over for good.

    Think of the new VW ad where the guy gets in the car and shuts the door, he says it all with one little word... "Thoonk"
    2003 Bora 4Motion

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    xr5! xr5!!

    i know how you feel man. in a period of under 3 years, i've spent 1.5x the purchase price on my bora and about to spend more. i thought of selling it and getting an xr5 or a liberty 3.0 but then decided to keep it and get something a bit...a lot better and not a vw or vag on that matter.

    anyway good luck with your next purchase
    '01 VW Bora V6 4motion - gone
    17x8 TSW Hockenheims ~ TyrolSport Brake Upgrade ~ SMF + Stage 1 Clutch ~ 42DD Shifter Linkages ~ FK Coilovers

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Most of that list of is standard consumables. Timing belt, water pump, temp sensor are throw out every 4 years. Brakes wear out, batteries die. Sunroof drains are standard maintenance.
    You would experience most of these things with just about any 10 year old car.

    I though of selling my GTI after replacing brakes, clutch, water pump, belts, broken hoses, hatch lock, suspension refresh, new tyres all within 12 months or so. I'd spent near $4000. I thought what next ??
    It has only required standard 12month servicing of around $500 a go since.

    Actually my 2001 Mazda 121 had a higher maintenance cost last year than the GTI.
    Lets see how much it costs to run a WRX for 10 years, you'd probably be ahead for only the 1st 4years.
    A Corolla may cost less in maintenance but will cost you your sanity every time you drive it.
    MK4 GTI - Sold
    MK5 Jetta Turbo - Sold
    MK5 Jetta 2.Slow - Until it dies.

  5. #5
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    thats what you get for owning a VW. They say that mk5s are even worse.
    In 4.5 years (~70,000km) that i had my R i replaced front wheel bearings twice (2 bearings on each front wheel) and one of them is starting to make noise again, all rotors and pads, 4 tyres, temp sensor and now if i leave it in the sun the display on the dash looses pixels! I have a feeling this will be very expensive! oh, and shockies and front control arm bushes need to be replaced

    One day when i decide to replace the golf i'll get an e46/e90/e92 M3. I have a few friends that have had bmws for ages and these silly things just dont happen! i guess thats why they are more expensive than VWs
    Last edited by balkanac; 06-10-2011 at 06:11 PM.
    1991 BMW 318is RED E30

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    I suppose its the way also how u look after it....i was a second own of a R32 mk4 have to say no probs at 160,000 on clock...
    when i sold it at 180,000 on clock no probs....maintaining is the key of a good car.
    Leaving a problem that the car has even longer is wat causes drama

  7. #7
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    Sounds like you bought someones car who couldnt afford to maintain it. 80% of your list is maintainence.

    Just unlucky you've footed the bill for it all and its left a bad taste in your mouth.

  8. #8
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    Coralon, refresh kit will be considered but that task alone is going to be a $1000~ job in itself.

    balkanac, I've toyed with the idea of an E46 M3 but figured parts will just be as bad (although I can get excellent pricing on Genuine BMW parts). Oh, and wouldn't dare go near a MkV!

    Quote Originally Posted by buzuki View Post
    Sounds like you bought someones car who couldnt afford to maintain it. 80% of your list is maintenance.

    Just unlucky you've footed the bill for it all and its left a bad taste in your mouth.
    80% is maintenance - are you joking or bad at maths?

    It is unlucky I agree, and to rub more salt in the wounds I've had paint flaking on the bonnet and front bumper.

  9. #9
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    None of that stuff would be unusual for any make of car.

    Yes, there's sometimes a premium on VW parts (be smart, don't buy local if you can avoid it, there are people here who can help you with that). You'd have had largely the same issues no matter what car you had once it hit 100,000km or thereabouts.
    Nothing to see here...

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by balkanac View Post
    One day when i decide to replace the golf i'll get an e46/e90/e92 M3. I have a few friends that have had bmws for ages and these silly things just dont happen! i guess thats why they are more expensive than VWs
    My father in law spent $8,000 on his 7 Series BMW at 5 years. Needed new gearbox, rear suspension failed. Was in the shop for more than 6 weeks.
    His other BMW a 3 Series cost $4000 at the 3 year service.

    So BMW may not be as reliable as some say. Some people have a bad run other get by unscathed.

    Consider the items the OP listed as being addressed already
    Maintenance - Replaced water pump
    Maintenance - Replaced timing belt (same time as pump went, previous owner was too tight to do pump at same time he did belt)
    Maintenance - Replaced temp sensor
    Fault - Replaced MAF
    Fault - Clutch pedal repaired and welded
    Fault - Made and installed external resistor mod for fans (internal resistors fried)
    Maintenance - Machined front rotors and new pads
    Maintenance - Replaced front rotors and new pads
    Maintenance - Replaced dogbone mount
    Maintenance - Cleared and drained sunroof pipes because of blockage
    Maintenance - Five 17" tyres
    Maintenance - Replaced battery
    Maintenance - Standard servicing (air filter, cabin filter, oil, oil filter, wipers etc)
    Maintenance - Light globes have been replaced so often it's a joke

    Total 14 items
    11 items are Maintenance 3 are not = 78% Maintenance
    MK4 GTI - Sold
    MK5 Jetta Turbo - Sold
    MK5 Jetta 2.Slow - Until it dies.

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