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Thread: HPA 600hp Golf R32

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Gold Coast, QLD
    Users Country Flag

    HPA 600hp Golf R32

    Thought I would share this..

    Fav part is the exhaust crackle at 1:50.

    VR6 Turbo Kits | HPA Motorsports, Inc.

    Cost of mods is $15995+++ USD

    Not sure what the +++ refers to. I'm assuming the required column is not included.

    Putting aside the fact that the mods are almost worth more than the car these days. Is that a reasonable amount of money to get 600hp? Or could it be done cheaper. Cheaper in a good way, not a Chinese knockoff bad way.

    HPA 600hp Golf R32 HPA 600hp Golf R32 HPA 600hp Golf R32

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Ingleburn, NSW
    Users Country Flag

    So 16k, plus another say 10-15k for the supporting mod's that are required for the Kit ><

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