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Thread: How do you remove the handbrake boot?????

  1. #1
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    Newcastle, NSW
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    How do you remove the handbrake boot?????

    hi all, need some important info, have searched high and low and am unable to find any info on removing the handbrake boot. ive purchased an r32 handbrake boot to replace my existing one. if there is a way to remove the old one with out damaging it i would be so thankful.
    MK4 2003 GTI - GIAC - APR R1 DV - 17 BBS - TT short shift

    42DD 3in DP - AWE 2.5in CATBACK - POWER GASKET+
    ECS LIGHTENED PULLEYS - AFE Pro S Stage 1 Intake

  2. #2
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    Previous instructions in this thread are for removal of the gear boot - re. the handbrake cover, pull the handbrake up as high as possible - you should see a small flap piece on the underside of it ... pry this flap downwards while pulling the cover towards the front windscreen and it should come off.


  3. #3
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    Volkswagen Golf IV 1.8T > Interior > Parking Brake > ES#1899 Leather Parking Brake Handle Cover-Black/Grey - 1J0711461AQGW

    i looked for what you described, but there is no flap that i could see. I've included some pics from ecs ( where i bought it from)to illustrate what im trying to do, its just that they appear to be saying that you have to damage the existing handbrake boot to remove it. if the boot can be removed with out damaging it would be much better. any advice would be greatly appreciated. thanks
    MK4 2003 GTI - GIAC - APR R1 DV - 17 BBS - TT short shift

    42DD 3in DP - AWE 2.5in CATBACK - POWER GASKET+
    ECS LIGHTENED PULLEYS - AFE Pro S Stage 1 Intake

  4. #4
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    You shouldn't have to damage the existing cover if it's an OEM one as it should have a tab on the underside of the handle - see pic.

    You don't need to damage the original cover, just take a small flat-head screwdriver and prise the tab outwards slightly - the cover will then slide forwards quite easily revealing the handbrake mechanism etc.

    Hope this helps.

    Edit: If you have leather from the factory, then it might be impossible to remove without damaging your existing cover - though my pic above should give you a rough idea of where to lift to get your existing cover out.
    Last edited by RolfGolf; 21-02-2011 at 04:55 PM.

  5. #5
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    i had no idea an R32 boot was different...
    1991 BMW 318is RED E30

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by balkanac View Post
    i had no idea an R32 boot was different...
    Well I guess that $70,000 had to go on a few more things besides the V6, all wheel drive , better wheels, brakes etc. etc.

  7. #7
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    thanks was a great help, as it turns out you have to pierce the leather cover to get to he clip.
    MK4 2003 GTI - GIAC - APR R1 DV - 17 BBS - TT short shift

    42DD 3in DP - AWE 2.5in CATBACK - POWER GASKET+
    ECS LIGHTENED PULLEYS - AFE Pro S Stage 1 Intake

  8. #8
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    Hi all. I know that this is an old thread, buuut for those that may happen upon it or are having trouble removing the leather hand brake lever handle in their mk3 golf, or for those that are simply curious - one does not need to pierce the handle to remove it, it has the tab to locate it/hold it on the same as the rubber/plastic handle. It just needs to be accessed from inside the handle and it is bit of a pain, I used a small jewelers screw driver and got it off. Looking at my plastic handled brake lever with cracked and ill fitting boot and good partial gear on it and the leather handled unit I have that's in good nic aside from the stuffed partial gear and completely bent out of shape mounting bracket (how all that happened I don't know, it came from a partially burnt out shell I had), I needed a way to be able to combine the two parts and this is what I worked out, persevered with it and hey presto - done!
    PS the partial gear can actually be tapped out or off of the hb lever and turned upside down so that the unworn portion is now at the bottom, where the pawl more commonly engages and wears the gear away. Just make sure to bruise the lever with a centre punch around where it fits so that there is less chance of it coming out.

  9. #9
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    incase someone else comes across this, just unbolt the handbrake itself and then it is easy to find the tab which needs pushed up

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2024

    Start by lifting or removing the center console trim around the handbrake. This might involve unscrewing some screws or using a trim tool to gently pry it off. Be cautious not to damage any clips or connectors.


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