Heres mine
Hey all, decided to do a little caliper painting this weekend (great previous threads/pics on the topic btw) and im currently cleaning the calipers; how clean is best?! Jeez they are dirty! And its taking a heck of a lot of elbow grease!
Also; next project...does anyone have advice/pics of black wheels on a black mk4? or would a dark silver/grey be better suited?
Heres mine
do the calipers red and get ROH Modenas with black spokes and polished lip. That's what im planing for my car. The car above looks ok, but those wheels need nice polished dishes
1991 BMW 318is RED E30
Get a can of Wurth Brake Klean. Get it in the pressure can. Works a treat on ANYTHING!!!
It is awesoms stuff for cleaning brakes(hence the name), but be warned, it dries your skin out, if flammable as all get out(this can be fun and dangerous, or both!!), gets you high as a kite without you realising, and evaporates very quickly. It is also fun to spray on your mats as it is very cold too....
"If can't get behind your troops, feel free to stand in front of them..."
Sorry but I HATE red calipers, they look so try hard, so ricer. A golf will never be a Porsche or Ferrari why pretend??
My opinion
Because a black GTI should have red accents, like the interior, and the seats. Ive done mine red and i think it looks great, much sportier, deffinatly not ricey! nothing about a golf GTI is ricey in my opinion!
get a good hard scrubbing brush, some sugar soap and some degreaser. i gave mine a good soak with the soap and scrubbed, then degreased them and they came up clean enough. if you have some surface rust, i used a product caled "ferro pro" which you can find in paints dept at bunnings, it reverses the rust and then you can paint over it no troubles!
And as far as the wheels are concearned, im goin all black on black, i love the stealth look! Im probably getting Konig Runnaways 18X8 (first pic) but id love BBS CH Black (second pic) but just too expensive
Mrk Detailing, premium automotive detailing. Paint correction/protection specialist. PM me
Oh and I didn't scrub my calipers back much at all when I painted them. They're meant to be silver stock but mine were a darkish brown and they haven't worn anywhere in a long while...
I used a wire brush and Nulon brake cleaner (
Mrk Detailing, premium automotive detailing. Paint correction/protection specialist. PM me
Thanks for the advice....i'm managing to get them pretty clean but i dont know when to give up (and i need to do all four before my hand is kaputt!) Jeez the BBS wheels (EVN-88G) look good...What i'm thinking is of doing my current wheels black (if i can work out how to post a pic i will haha; still very new to this forum! Be great to know if anyone has painted this style before...i cant figure out how to describe them, ill try get a pic...