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Thread: Hit and Run

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Albury, NSW Australia
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    Some prick backed into my car in the work car park. We're in the middle of nowhere so it had to be a colleague.

    No note.
    79 MK1 GLD
    03 MK4 GTI
    94 993 Carrera

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    That suck's man :'(

    As Dylan says, it's an awful part of owning and using a daily driven car.

    My last car had a $3500 respray and it took less than 1 month for selfish & ignorant scum at my last job to smash their 4wd's door straight into the panel chipping off a nice 20cent coin worth of paint and dinting the door. (I know because it's a private carpark and the dings lined up to the height of the 4wd door and the damage on the edge)
    Then two weeks later, I just parked my car at uni, and the plush toy filled Yaris next to me (Asian spec) started to drive out of their spot, when their braindead passenger decided to open their door and reclose it for some unknown reason, and in the process leaving a nice 15cm gash on my rear passenger door. By the time I backed out of the spot to chase them they were long gone.
    After those incidents I gave up caring and lost track of the dings and scrapes other bastards did to that car. Within 2 years you could never tell it was resprayed.

    Unfortunately my Bora 4mo isn't spared from carpark ****s either. Rear passenger door has a good 4 dints in it and my drivers side rear door was also hit by this ****head recently. I was seconds away from imbeding my foot into his headlight. Left a 2cm dent in my door.
    Quote Originally Posted by MightyCarMods
    I'd rather lose by a mile because I built my own car, than win by an inch because someone else built it for me. Your car is your story, so don't let someone else write the book.

    -| "Laura" - 2001 Bora 4-motion (now sold) |-

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by RubAVeeDubDub View Post
    I hate people so much.

    If it has an engine or heartbeat it's going to cost you. | Refer a Friend - AussieBroadband $50 Credit

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    People suck. I always park as far away from anyone as possible, the extra 2 minutes of walking is worth it. The one time I parked close to the entrance of a shopping center as I was in a rush, I returned to a door ding in the side of my preciously perfectly straight car.

    So glad I have a different car I don't give a **** about to daily now.

    Sent from my GT-I9305T using Tapatalk 2

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by ian View Post
    Just today I was sitting in my Navara ute at the St Marys Village shopping centre , when a women next to me returned to her car with a trolley , She unloaded her groceries and just left the trolley at the back of her car and was about to hop in when I opened my door and shouted at her to return the trolley to the trolley bay which was next to her car ,She just totally ignored me and hopped in her car and drove off, And that my friends is the problem some people just don't give a rats .
    Yep my wife and I were outside Malaya Corner Suunybank, waiting to be seated... this Aussie Bogan in a Red Commodore SS swipes the White Camry on his way into the parking space. He hets out looks at what he's done and is more concerned about the damage to his own front bumper, which is now hanging off! The Camry has Red paint along its left hand front door. But Camry has so many other war wounds that it hardly matters. Not the point, the Camry could well have been your car or mine. No note and off he went.

  6. #16
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    Had some twat sideswipe me slightly last year, which I largely managed to polish out thankfully. But it sucks when this happens.

  7. #17
    Join Date
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    It sucks to the amount of s*** drivers there are in Australia that just don't give a s*** about how they present their cars. They go and do what they like, when they like, and when they hit something or someone they don't stop and continue with their travels. If you're lucky enough you would be in the car at the time to catch them in the action, to later naturally abuse them for damaging your car and get them to pay for the damage done. Most people would agree that 99% of the time someone who does the damage would just drive off.

    It hurts even more if the car is worth 50k plus and someone has to go and ruin it. (Like my friends dad's HSV VE Clubsport that got reversed into the other day, destroying his bumper and driving off.)
    It makes you want to put a dash cam in the front and rear of your car to catch someone doing this to your car.

    But theres nothing you can do about it than to go on and live your daily life
    __________________________________________________ ______
    MK4 GTI - Reflex Silver - <<<Click for Build!<<<
    -Previously Owned a MK4 1.6L Golf - Reflex Silver

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by caputo9 View Post
    It sucks to the amount of s*** drivers there are in Australia that just don't give a s*** about how they present their cars. They go and do what they like, when they like, and when they hit something or someone they don't stop and continue with their travels. If you're lucky enough you would be in the car at the time to catch them in the action, to later naturally abuse them for damaging your car and get them to pay for the damage done. Most people would agree that 99% of the time someone who does the damage would just drive off.

    It hurts even more if the car is worth 50k plus and someone has to go and ruin it. (Like my friends dad's HSV VE Clubsport that got reversed into the other day, destroying his bumper and driving off.)
    It makes you want to put a dash cam in the front and rear of your car to catch someone doing this to your car.

    But theres nothing you can do about it than to go on and live your daily life
    Yes that's what I have got

    Front and rear cameras that also stay on when parked Cost me over $500 for the pair but well worth it

    Look for DR500GW

    NOT 550 as they aren't as good

    I have a DR500GW in the front of the Passat and a DR350 in the rear.

    The Polo has my old DR400G in the front
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
    Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan

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