tried the old reset the computer thing (either battery or key in the door as per manaul) i had to do it when installing driving lights.
Hopefully someone has had this problem before.
I replaced my CD player the other day in my mk4 Golf and have lost half the interior lights as well as the reverse lights. The dash cluster lights and courtesy lights still work, although the climate control lighting and accent lights throughout the car (such as the power mirrors, windows, etc) and the reverse lights do not. I have double and triple checked the wiring, and am satisfied it is all in correctly, and have even unhooked the players illumination wire in case it was that. I though it would have just been a fuse, but have checked all the fuses in the car including the number 7 fuse and they all seem fine.
Anyone got any ideas?
tried the old reset the computer thing (either battery or key in the door as per manaul) i had to do it when installing driving lights.
Hey thanks for the idea, but didnt work. Just went out and tried it and still the sameAnyone else got a suggestion??
Whats the door reset? Just did the battery one. No other symptons at all, CD player works perfectly fine, just lost all those small accessories and reverse lights. I just had a thought, I have my boost gauge running off the same accessories wire as the head unit, it works perfectly fine still, but is it possible the added accessories to that wire has overloaded it? I know it shouldnt have any affect as I have simply tapped into that source, but just a thought.
wouldn't that effect the fuse first (which you said you checked)
I cant remember exactly, but its in the manual under window reset. Its for resetting the window position. But my dad did it to my car when i wasnt around one day and it fixed everything! (unless he did something else he hasnt told me)
I'll look into it and give it a crack - couldnt hurt! Really p's me off, everything seems like a fuse problem, but I went through every single one in there and they all look fine. I wish VW's were just easy!
Maybe try swapping same rated fuses around. Incase you missed a blown one by some random chance?
i said that to our family friend, he said VWs are easy! he then pointed his finger at his kit car he is building and his new rover he is repairing, so apparently we havn't got it too bad..
How did you do the door reset thing? I read through the whole manual last night and could not find a thing on it.