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Thread: Help: GTI cut out while running and wont start

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Leppington NSW

    Help: GTI cut out while running and wont start

    Hi Guys

    I am at work at the moment and just had a call from the missus driving the GTi that it had decided to turn off while driving and now wont start. From the sounds of it the car cranks strongly but wont kick...

    the car has had issues starting before but will usually start after a longer period of cranking - sometimes it will run quite poorly sort of spluttering once it does start.

    Is this something someone has had happen before..? I havent had a chance to look over the car yet - i will likely be spending the night in the shed trying to get it going as it has just been towed home.

    Aside from checking the usual (fuel/spark and air) is there an electrical device (Maybe the MAF) that could break and cause this...?

    Cheers guys


  2. #2
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    My guess it will be a coil pack. If you have no spark that will be it!


  3. #3
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    Is the coil pack something breaks down regularly...? My thinking is that it seems to be something that has gradually been wearing out rather then just break as the starting difficulty has been getting progressively worse...???

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by peteon2wheels View Post
    Is the coil pack something breaks down regularly...? My thinking is that it seems to be something that has gradually been wearing out rather then just break as the starting difficulty has been getting progressively worse...???
    Take a spark plug out and re connect it to the HT lead- Turn it over, if there is a spark then it is not the electrical system.

    Maybe a fuel issue.

    I suppose you have to hear it first to see if it sounds like it is trying to fire up.
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  5. #5
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    just spoke to my brother (he just went up to see if he could get it running but cant so it towing it back) and he said there is absolutley no kick in it. Cranks and thats it. Which is what it has done to me previously.

    I do need to see the car to check the vitals, just trying to work out if there is something that goes quite commonly on them...???

  6. #6
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    They have 4 coil packs so for it to stop completely, I would think it's something further up the line.

    Is there a a key symbol lit on the dash? This would indicate that the immobiliser is the culprit, a highly likely cause IMO.

    Everyone says it but VAG-COM is going to be the quickest way to diagnose the snag.

    If it is the MAF, disconnecting it will make it run.


  7. #7
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    Whats the quickest way to get a VAG COM...? I looked into it a week ago and just put it off (didnt really have the time to try and find something anyway...). i was more thinking if it had to do with spark then it wouldnt be a coil pack but the ignition module...

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by peteon2wheels View Post
    Whats the quickest way to get a VAG COM...? I looked into it a week ago and just put it off (didnt really have the time to try and find something anyway...). i was more thinking if it had to do with spark then it wouldnt be a coil pack but the ignition module...
    If all the sparks have gone and there is no immob symbol on the dash. You could maybe borrow an amp from someone, the one in the side of the airbox.

    You may be able to find someone local that has VAG-COM. It depends on where you are in Sydney. I know Golfloon has it in Camden. There have to be others though. Make your location a bit more specific.

    Maybe you could join the RAA for a quick check if it's not expensive?

    It may be another sensor, like a crank/cam position sensor that has quit or the plug fell off?


    EDIT VAG-COM is sold by Guy Harding in Brissy. That would be the quickest way to get it I think. The software is downloadable from Cheapo cables from ebay only work with basic versions of VAG-COM and aren't a patch on the real thing. There may be a reseller in Sydney.
    Last edited by h100vw; 16-07-2008 at 09:56 AM.

  9. #9
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    Did u recently work on your airbox/ Air intake? I had the same thing happen 2 me it turned out to be the one of the airbox connectors wasn't clicked in porperly.
    1999 Golf GTi - SOLD
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