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Thread: Help with FMIC install

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Canberra, ACT
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    Help with FMIC install

    Hi guys,

    Decided to try to fit the FMIC that I got with the car this weekend. I'm hoping someone can answer some of the questions I've got.

    Firstly, the DIY I've been looking at from VWVortex says that I need to relocate the MAP in my new piping setup. I didn't see anything that looked like a MAP when I pulled all the old piping out. Am I right in thinking that Aus Mk4's didn't come with one?

    Secondly, I'm having a small issue running the new piping for the front mount. The previous owner gave me the FMIC and piping when I bought the car. The core and front pipes have been sprayed black for a stealth kinda look.

    This is how it looks currently.

    On the driver's side, the black pipe ran perfectly from the FMIC to the intake mani. However, on the passenger side, I'm struggling to work out how/where to run the pipes. These are the two pipes I have left.

    I'm pretty sure that I'll need to get another section of pipe to run from the turbo up and across a bit to meet the non-painted section of pipe. Then it looks like the non painted section will run down alongside the battery, and at some point meet the section of painted pipe. The problem I'm having is that the section of black pipe really doesn't seem to have the right curves to get to where I think it should be going.

    Have I missed something really obvious? Has anyone got any photo's of their FMIC install which show the plumbing on the passenger side in more detail? Does anyone have any suggestions about how I can run those two pipes to get close to the back of the motor.

    Thanks for reading!


  2. #2
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    Aussie mk4s gtis didn't come with a map sensor. as for the piping, this is how mine is routed

    it looks you may be missing a few bits of pipe as i can't see how that would work. If you want i have a spare set of pipes that you can have if you can't get these to work.
    Also are you planning on re-attaching you rebar?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Hey, thanks for posting those pics! I'm definitely missing at least one pipe... It looks like the pipe for the hot side which has been painted black that I have just wont work. It doesn't curve nearly enough...

    Yeh I'll definitely refit the rebar... Once I've trimmed it. I was hoping to route most of the piping before worrying about making the rebar fit.

    Thanks for the offer of spare pipes! I'll PM you about them tomorrow once I've had another go at it.


  4. #4
    Join Date
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    bit of a thread hack but, lito where did you get your Front mount? What was fitment like?

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by undisclos3d View Post
    bit of a thread hack but, lito where did you get your Front mount? What was fitment like?
    Its a godspeed kit from ebay... well it was. Fitment was pretty average so i ended up getting a new set of pipes made up out of stainless, Fitment is now perfect but it wasn't cheap. Im sure someone with more time and patience could get them to fit ok.


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