Hi guys, i need the help of a wiring guru.
I have a 2000 1.6 Golf AKL engine and am mid conversion in putting a 1999 Audi 1.8T AGU.
Yes there is a pending build thread....
I have the entire Audi subframe and changed the lot over, including ECU and its looms - a big enough job
However the plugs that go into the rain tray are slightly different - original being orange , brown and white, and new being orange , green and white. all but a few wies match, but I think that is where the trouble lies...
The engine cranks, but doesnt fire (should at least run for a few seconds even if the immobiliser is locking me out...).
Fuel pump doesnt run - but a hotwire to the pump and it does - fuel pump ok. Interestingly with a multimeter it shows only about 5 volts at the pump with the key on and cranking.
ah ha, you say - the fuel relay. Well it clicks with the key on and off - so not totally stuffed (and worked fine before the change...) - I will replace it anyway.
Any other ideas? Specific wiring diagrams for the 1.6 and 1.8 would be nice - but they need to cover the exact years and models as there were some wiring changes at about year 2000...
i have the Bently pdf for Golf mk4 - but it doesnt cover the 1.6 and it's 1.8 section wiring is inaccurate for the 1999 Audi A3.
I have access to vagcom if required, but havent used it before.
This car is so close, but now I'm going f#$king nuts and am dreaming about wiring, relays and cars that wont go.
What was changed into the Golf was the entire front subframe, ecu and the two main looms from the ecu.
Any help greatly appreciated