I assume the harness is plugged into the back of the headlight ok?
Have an issue with my left headlight. Its as if its completely died, but its flickering both my indicator and low beam? When i go to use the left idicator its very erratic? Any ideas?
I assume the harness is plugged into the back of the headlight ok?
Are the lights flashing in time with the blinkers like its a bad earth ? or just random on/off..
I cant see anything loose or anything...
its just constant flickering...
The MkIV golf electrical goblins strike again!!!!!
Only thing i can think of is to check all the wiring for the light, maybe remove it and inspect them all, you may have a broken wire somewhere in there.
Stage 2+ Intercooler Carbon Intake Downpipe Swaybar DV+ Remsa.
Cheers thanks will have to look...its not very safe driving with one headlight working in the rain or at night for that matter
Thanks for the reply, it was a bad earth..
Got another problem, well i dont know if it is.
Prior to fixing the headlight car was scanned and showed no faults.
Fixed headlight and now its idling higher (about 1000 rpm). Previously it alot lower. But the car feels alot more responsive than before...? Car was scanned again and reset and showed no faults....but idling between 0.9 - 1.0 L/H, normal?
Furthermore, i think my air conditioning has shat itself in this heat!On full blast theres no cold air but at speed it gets cold and a funny smell..a regass in order??
Any responses would be appreciated.
Could be a re-gas job. The idle speed sounds high, from memory I think the service manual says 850rpm idle speed......Maybe someone could confirm that though....
Stage 2+ Intercooler Carbon Intake Downpipe Swaybar DV+ Remsa.
Idle speed could be a vacume leak maybe ???? check the inlet mani for any lose hoses.
Your A/C might be just strugling with the heat as any a/c system will make colder air at slower fan speeds as the sytem is efectivly cooling less air.
But remember that if it dose need a regas whare has the gas gone?? its normaly an indication of a leak some whare.