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Thread: gti boost pressure??

  1. #1
    gpk_gti Guest

    Question gti boost pressure??

    hi guys,
    a mate of mine last week got a flash done on his mk4 gti 2000.I wont say who did the chip,it doesnt really matter.He was not happy with the way that the car performed.He installed a boost gauge and found that the boost spiked up to 19.5psi.what my question is,what boost pressure are most chips hitting?he asked me if the pressure was average on a chipped car??what are you guys getting on your programmes?
    this isnt a bait question,just I didnt know the answer to tell him as I dont have a gauge installed ,yet! !

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I am surprised that he got more than 15 PSI from it. Does it have a K03S fitted maybe??

    That's quite a bit of boost. Also, not to diss his boost gauge but they are not a precision instrument.

    I would be more interested to see what the ECU thinks it is producing boost wise. That can be checked using VAG-COM. You need to log requested and actual boost.


  3. #3
    gpk_gti Guest
    no,its not me !!! the car is standard apart from the chip.I was there when he spoke to the guy and he didnt seem to worried when he said 19.5psi.ohh,and his gauge is autometer.

  4. #4
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    I reckon it'll be ok as long as it's not looking for 19PSI at the red line. You need to get it logged on VAG-COM I think to make sure.


  5. #5
    gpk_gti Guest
    the high boost is in the mid range,under hard exceleration only.on normal driving boost remains low.ill suggest to him to get a vagcom readout or maybe a dyno? thanks gavin!!!

  6. #6
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    No worries. It's when the ECU requests big boost at high revs that the turbo can overspeed as it tries its hardest to do as it's told.

    Lower down you change gear after a couple of seconds so it doesn't get the nuts spun out of it.

    The VAG-COM would be more important than a dyno run.

    I just booked flights for the nationals and will bringing the laptop with me so would gladly have a look if he hasn't done any investigation by then.


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