That looks like a hard way!!!!
Step 1: Remove the smaller (T20 i think) torx screws that attatch the inner guard liners to the front bumper. Do this easily by turning the wheels one way, then the other so you can get your favourite battery drill in there!
Step 2: Pop out your 2 vent things in the lower part of your bumper, there are 2 large Torx screws in there, i can't remeber the size though. Remove them. DO NOT do what the vwvortex article says, our euro bumpers are only held on by 2 Torx in this area, no bolts.
Step 3: Some people will say to remove your grill, i just pop mine up and out and gently work around it. If you want, you can remove it. Then you will see another 5 large Torx screws, rove them and your bumper will slide off. If you have fogs, you may have to unplug them, depending on how much wire there is, i don't have forgs so it's not a problem for me.
If you have any probs, i could probably do a mini tutorial for it, maybe something for the FAQ section......