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Thread: Which Gonzo tune for Aust Delivered Mk4 GTI ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Users Country Flag

    Which Gonzo tune for Aust Delivered Mk4 GTI ?

    Hey All,

    I'm a bit new to the Golf GTI scene - Just got myself a 2003 build (2004 complied) Mk4 Golf GTI - 120,000kms - in very nice condition. Stock as a rock.

    Now to hot it up:

    Looking at Gonzo tune - they seem to have a good rep.

    But which one do I get for the Aussie delivered Golf GTI ? I read these are all Throttle body (as opposed to DBW) version - and all Aust delivered GTI have the AGU engine.

    Tuned by Gonzo website ( MK4 (1999-2005) )

    Says there are two different ECU upgrades:

    1) 1.8T (AWD)
    2) 1.8T (AWW, AUM, AWP)

    Anyone know if either of these will work in my AGU ?

    I have emailed them - but they haven't gotten back to me after a week..... (Have read their customer service sux, but their tunes are great)


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Melbourne, Mexico
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    Neither work in your me3. 8 ecu. If you are just after stage 1. Then I can help you out. Send me a pm.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    There's not many choices for tunes our mk4's mainly GIAC, REVO, APR and then there's Gavin who would be the best in my biased opinion with his Custom Code tunes.

    Your next step would also be deciding where you want to go with your mk4...i.e Stage 1 or 2 or go K03S with Stage 2 tune from Gavin or just go big turbo all together.
    2004 Golf GTI MK4 Reflex Silver | Custom Code Phase 2 Tune | Ported K03S | Ported Exhaust Manifold | Silicone TIP | N75J Valve | 2.5" TBE| Silicone Boost Hoses instead of rubber | Turbosmart DV | Unrestricted Pancake Pipe | Cold Air Intake | JOM Extreme Coilovers | Whiteline Rear Sway Bar | DieselGeek Sigma 5 Short Shifter| Driver Side Vent Mounted Boost Gauge

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Users Country Flag Thread Starter

    Thanks @Gvaitsas - I will use Gavin - just waiting to see what he can do for me - cheers,

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