Take it to a professional.Golf 4 1.6 transmissions have many fatal problems.Hoping for your sake its something simple.
Hey Everyone,
I’m hoping someone might have some ideas on whats happening with my golf. It is a 2004 Mk4 Generation 1.6L with a 5 speed manual transmission. For the past two days a new noise has developed when shifting gears. I must point out that this issue can be heard even when the car is just parked and not running. When I shift into 1st, 3rd, or 5th there is a relatively high pitched “clinking” noise as it drop into gear. 2nd and 4th do not make a noise. To me it feels like somethings not quite right in the linkage (Bushing etc.) Also, shifting into first can sometimes feel a little difficult, but I am more concerned with this new clink noise that has developed. Any ideas? should I look at replacing the shift linkage bushings or is it best to get it checked out professionally? Thanks for all your help!
Take it to a professional.Golf 4 1.6 transmissions have many fatal problems.Hoping for your sake its something simple.
hey i got the same problem and im stumpted to what it is. if you got it fixed could you pm me how much and where you got it done? cheers
Last edited by marcoz; 14-02-2014 at 03:18 PM.
Hey Guys,
Took the golf in for service at Volkstech in Heidelberg. Looks like it stems from a shift linkage issue. Sound like a relatively painless fix. Parts are being ordered from Sydney.