Thanks Guys , the description for each headlight component certainly clears up my confusion about the number and type of globes. Now to try and work out how to replace them! I thnk I read a How-TO article somewhere as the Battery side looks impossible.
MY19 Polo GTi 2.0 DSG
Previous VW cars:MY16 Polo GTI manual, 2007 Jetta 2.0 TDi manual, 2001 VW Bora V6 4-Motion - flooded away
Nothing to see here...
Just ordered some Philips xtreme H4 from powerbulbs. Pretty cheap at 22 pounds ($40) and free shipping and free pair of w5 globes. Will give the covers a go once they arrive. Thanks for the help. Will post more once I get the H4
MY19 Polo GTi 2.0 DSG
Previous VW cars:MY16 Polo GTI manual, 2007 Jetta 2.0 TDi manual, 2001 VW Bora V6 4-Motion - flooded away
Hooray! Received the H4 XTreme from Powerbulbs yesterday and spent this morning putting them in. If not for the clear lucid instructions from you fellow V-dubbers it would have been pretty difficult. The battery side was a pain due to space restrictions but I managed to ease the globe in after a few tries. Good thing they are keyed or I would have had a bit of trouble seating them properly. Tested, all works just have to wait till night time to see if these globes turn night into day LOL
MY19 Polo GTi 2.0 DSG
Previous VW cars:MY16 Polo GTI manual, 2007 Jetta 2.0 TDi manual, 2001 VW Bora V6 4-Motion - flooded away
Just make sure that you didn't touch the glass section of the bulbs - doing so dramatically shortens their life (tends to cause them to shatter). If you did, grab some rubbing alcohol, pull them out and give them a really thorough clean.
Nothing to see here...
Didn't touch the bulb, grabbed them on the connections end. Tried headlights tonight, noticeably brighter and more range than my original globes which were really wimpy and dint illuminate the edges of the road well at all. May need to adjust height a bit to maximize their range
MY19 Polo GTi 2.0 DSG
Previous VW cars:MY16 Polo GTI manual, 2007 Jetta 2.0 TDi manual, 2001 VW Bora V6 4-Motion - flooded away
The X-Treme are really good. I can see the road signs clearly now! Good range and side illumination is not too bad either...stops me from "mounting" the kerb
All good.
MY19 Polo GTi 2.0 DSG
Previous VW cars:MY16 Polo GTI manual, 2007 Jetta 2.0 TDi manual, 2001 VW Bora V6 4-Motion - flooded away