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Thread: FukenBroken V6 Bora

  1. #21
    Join Date
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    Dandenong, VIC
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    well after looking around my brother insists that the engine is usable so i guess a rebuild is in order , quick question , are the 12v vr6 pistons and rods same as the 24v ones ? i was thinking alongside .05 oversize 12:1 high comp pistons if their available anywhere and forged or original rods ??

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    North Shore
    3.2l motors were in 3C passats too (made more power than the R32, less chance of being thrashed and possibly cheaper). Mk5 R32s and 3C passats have different engines to the older mk4 R32s though so not sure how much would swap over.
    Really I'm disappointed in the people telling you to go 3.2L. You should be going 3.6l from an R36.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neroo View Post
    well after looking around my brother insists that the engine is usable so i guess a rebuild is in order , quick question , are the 12v vr6 pistons and rods same as the 24v ones ? i was thinking alongside .05 oversize 12:1 high comp pistons if their available anywhere and forged or original rods ??
    I didn't think the 12v and 24v pistons and rods were the same, the 24v engine is a more modern design, and given it's an interference design, the piston crowns are almost certainly different (they'll be shaped for the valve layout).

    Given the damage that's been sustained, I'd be VERY wary of trusting the integrity of the bottom end.
    Nothing to see here...

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rob Burns View Post
    3.2l motors were in 3C passats too (made more power than the R32, less chance of being thrashed and possibly cheaper). Mk5 R32s and 3C passats have different engines to the older mk4 R32s though so not sure how much would swap over.
    Really I'm disappointed in the people telling you to go 3.2L. You should be going 3.6l from an R36.
    Much more hassle in going with the Mk5 engine or the Passat 3.2L/3.6L, as they are all from CANBUS cars and would be quite substantially difficult to integrate into the non-CANBUS electronics in the Mk4...
    Nothing to see here...

  5. #25
    Join Date
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    Mate id suggest you get onto and look in the 12v and 24v forums. There is more informations than one could dream of over there...

  6. #26
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    be careful with that, there are differences between the US and AU/EU spec of 24v motors.
    Suggest a simple rebuild with slightly more compression if you can, and enjoy it!
    Current: '04 Astra SRI Turbo - EDS IPF Flash, 3" TBE, Quaife LSD
    Previously: Bora 4mo, cams, coilovers, tune, exhaust, brembo's etc

  7. #27
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    Melbourne, VIC
    Go with mahle they are also an oem manufactuere for vw audi and made in germany, you can get them locally through eurospeed just as cheaply as you can source them from OS (having just bought myself a set). You should be able to get a custom compression but you'll be looking at about $2.5k

  8. #28
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    hi was just wandering if u wanted to sell the 4motion rims that r on it in the pictures since it looks like ur putting audi wheels on it?

  9. #29
    Join Date
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    I have some spare rods and pistons for a 2.8 24V, let me know if you need them.
    Also have a good crankshaft as well.
    Try and save the block if you can as these are also different to the 12V blocks.

  10. #30
    Join Date
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    pheww long time no post ....
    well leading on from where we were ...

    managed to source some used pistons and rods with much thanks to people on this form
    after a nice clean up and polish of everything they came out looking like this ...

    within a week of receiving the pistons and rods my dad came home from he's holiday in Europe bearing gifts

    soon enough the cylinder walls were polished and smoothed out everything in the bottom end was prepped and put together with great success and no dramas whatsoever

    we did have to have 2 attempts at getting the engine timing right with the first attempt resulting in heaps of smoke a glowing red hot exhaust and hell on the first start but nothing damaged luckily :hehe:

    now after all the ordeals turns out four of the ignition coils arent working so it just sits in the garage waiting on them ....

    so after i find the coils for it i have to put up with this staring me in the face all the time

    kombi_crazy: sorry mate the deal was that id give my 4-motion rims to my dad for hes mk4 and he would in return give me the 18's

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