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Thread: fuel pump on its way out ????

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    jarvis bay
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    fuel pump on its way out ????

    hey everyone not quite sure what my problem is today but i think it might be my fuel pump starting to go ...what happens is that when im starting to go up a hill in say for eg. third gear 4800 rpm it feels like it isnt getting enough fuel and begins to slightly shutter and carry on ....i know it isnt anything to do with tuning or my k04 turbo it comes on boost hard strong and holds it all the way to redline ....and i changed my fuel filter around 1 month ago it is a walbro 255l custom setup i am unsure of injector exact size but im sure they are more than enough for my power figures... any one ever had this trouble and do fuel pumps this new stuff up has run like an absolute dream for the last 7000kms with the k04..any info would be a help thanx guys

  2. #2
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    Walbro fuel filter? It sounds like you got an uprated fuel pump (a fuel filter is a tiny little thing). That's what I'd be looking at, and perhaps that the install of your custom fuel pump is appropriate/working as it should be.

    That said, if it's only happening under load, I'd be looking at tune, maybe MAF, air filter, etc.
    Last edited by Manaz; 16-08-2011 at 01:26 PM.
    Nothing to see here...

  3. #3
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    Just read your post again, you say it falls over at 4800 and then also say it's not the tuning as it runs through to the redline? Is it really doing both?

    What software do you have and did the provider tell you to fit the pump.

    I'd look at the spark plugs first, they often fail under load. After that you need to see someone that knows what they are doing. Internet diagnosis is had and often in accurate.


  4. #4
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    sorry gavin it is quite difficult to explain i have a motec stand alone computer i meant that it holds boost pressure all the way to redline i switched the fuel filter again today still the same its goin back on the dyno tomorrow to see if they can figure it out .....good point though about my plugs any recomendations on type of plugs to be using with my upgraded turbo ???? air filter is clean and new checked that im not sure if u guys are familiar with the aem intake kit for the mk4 gtis but it does sit low to the road and was damp when i checked it i now had a mate make up a stainless cover to stop any crap from being flung up into ever i dont think this is the problem it seems to be definately leaning out at high rpm and under load but only under load if i get into it on a flat road it doesnt do it just up hills....

  5. #5
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    Have u changed the FPR to a 4.0Bar as it's recommended when doing the K04 upgrade.
    have u plugged in Vagcom and run some tests?
    As far as Spark plugs go NGK BKR7E or PFR7B (platinum plug version) are recommended for chipped golfs as they slightly colder than standard
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  6. #6
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    VAGCOM won't give him anything, it's running MOTEC. First mistake in my eyes

    Standard plugs run ok in chipped S3s, so fitting something that runs cooler isn't strictly necessary but won't do any harm.

    If it has run ok since first being mapped up, something has changed. Throwing an FPR on it will make it over fuel.

    Go with plugs first is what I would do.

    After that you need to prove if it is running lean. Getting a rolling road that is on a hill might be a tough one.


    Quote Originally Posted by Fizz View Post
    Have u changed the FPR to a 4.0Bar as it's recommended when doing the K04 upgrade.
    have u plugged in Vagcom and run some tests?
    As far as Spark plugs go NGK BKR7E or PFR7B (platinum plug version) are recommended for chipped golfs as they slightly colder than standard

  7. #7
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    had it on the dyno today with fuel pressure gauge and fuel pressure does drop of at high rpm my tuner tried to tune the lean spot out and was unable to fuel pump comes out tomorrow ... this fuel pump is less than 2 months old could it be the way it was installed tuner also went over the whole fuel system today i have the green injectors are they ok not really clued in with fuel systems thanx guys for all the input its really helping...

  8. #8
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    Good Spotting

    Quote Originally Posted by h100vw View Post
    VAGCOM won't give him anything, it's running MOTEC. First mistake in my eyes

    1999 Golf GTi - SOLD
    2005 Golf GTI (2 Door) - SOLD
    2014 Octavia RS400 Combi
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by diko View Post
    had it on the dyno today with fuel pressure gauge and fuel pressure does drop of at high rpm my tuner tried to tune the lean spot out and was unable to fuel pump comes out tomorrow ... this fuel pump is less than 2 months old could it be the way it was installed tuner also went over the whole fuel system today i have the green injectors are they ok not really clued in with fuel systems thanx guys for all the input its really helping...
    How much is it dropping in pressure?

    Is it dropping below the rated pressure of the Fuel Pressure Regulator?

    If the FPR is 3 BAR and the fuel pump pressure doesn't drop below say 3.5BAR, then I don't see it as an issue.

    Quoting injectors by colour doesn't really give the whole story. They are rated by fuel flow at a certain pressure. ie 380cc @ 3 BAR. Not relevant at the moment I think.

    If the pressure is dropping massively, it could be a power supply problem. High resistance contacts in a relay or poor crimps in the wiring.

    Is it actually running weak when the pressure drops off?

    There's still a couple of things I'd look toward before condemning the pump. Maybe these have been considered by your mechanics??


  10. #10
    Join Date
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    its a 4.0 bar FPR... changed the pump and fixed the problem . was definately the pump my mechanic is sending it back to manufacturer so they can see what happend to it ,, have you ever heard of this happening i havnt..


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