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Thread: Fire Extinguisher mount

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Moonee Ponds

    Fire Extinguisher mount


    Want to mount a fire extinguisher in my bora. How Do I know if it is safe to drill some holes ? I plan on putting it just above the passenger foot airvent ? or under the seat but the seat knocks it if moved forwards.

    Any ideas or how I can tell where is safe to drill ?
    Audi B4 80 Q V6 '94 Race Car !! KEGGED
    Audi B4 80 V6 Avant '94 Only one in the country that I know of !!! KEGGED
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    St George/Sutherland, Sydney
    I'm no expert on the matter but the first MK4 I test-drove had a fire extinguisher bracket fitted in the passenger footwell.
    It sat snug along the transmission console and quite close to the seat mounting.
    I don't know about drilling etc etc but good luck!

    I've seen kits for other cars where the extinguisher bracket bolts onto the seat frame and does not require drilling. The result is a transverse extinguisher mounted on the floor under your thighs, but well away from the feet. It leaves no permanent damage and may be the go if you can find one to suit.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Perth WA
    I put mine in the boot in the LH box thing.

    Had cabin mounted ones before in other cars and they always seem to get in the way.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    ^ What if you need it in a hurry? (which you generally do)
    My Mk1 Project

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    St George/Sutherland, Sydney
    Mine is also in the boot. I guess you run! I've never had to use it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    I attached mine to the base of the passenger seat (to the left of the lever to move it back/forward), so it moves with the seat.

    I'll admit it's not the best mount (just screwed into plastic at the moment), but if u strengthen the rear (maybe a piece of MDF behind) and drill/bolt through into that (which is what i'll be doing) then it should be sufficient.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    If you are putting in a extinguisher for track work, Its a CAMS reg that its secured, fixing it to the plastic part of the seat would not be the go.

    I thought of as many different spots as i could when i put mine in. I had to be able to reach it quick in an emergency and it had to be out of the way when driving.

    the two spots i came up with were,

    Make a bracket that you can bolt it to the seat, so it moves with the seat, but is still steel to steel.

    the place i used, due to lack of time and laziness was to bolt it to the floor parallel to the door sill. i can grab it while still belted in, its not in the way for driving and its very secure.

    hope this helps a bit.
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  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Ok thanks, Yeh much prefer to have it in the car where I can reach !! Don't like the idea of having to dig it out if there is luggage etc in the way.
    Audi B4 80 Q V6 '94 Race Car !! KEGGED
    Audi B4 80 V6 Avant '94 Only one in the country that I know of !!! KEGGED
    Subaru Forester XT '06 Genome Exhaust/Car-PC/Boost Gauge/Oettingers !
    --VW Bora V6 4mo '01 Gone

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Wagga Wagga
    Sorry to drag up an old thread. Just bought a fire extinguisher for the Bora and just wondering if zip ties would be allowed at all?
    Was thinking of ziptieing the extinguisher bracket to the drivers seat runner so that it moves with the seat. Would this be a no-no for CAMs?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2010
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    very no go.
    Needs to be securely mounted with a metal bracket, easily accessible inside the cabin and tagged
    Current: '04 Astra SRI Turbo - EDS IPF Flash, 3" TBE, Quaife LSD
    Previously: Bora 4mo, cams, coilovers, tune, exhaust, brembo's etc

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