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Thread: ECU Flashing

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    ECU Flashing

    Hey Guys

    Im new to this forum so firstly id like to say hi from first impressions it looks like a geat website. My main question is are there any ecu flashers out there that allow you to tune your volkswagen. If so what are they worth and where do i get one from. As a side note has any one heard of the company called revo? what do you guys think about them?

  2. #2
    s14s2a Guest


    No personal experience with a REVO flashed car (they are the only tuner that flashes the MKIV in Aus) but from I see in the states and Europe they are really popular -see GOLF+ magazine/Performance VW

    The other options and these are all well represented in the above magazines also are these are GIAC, APR and oettinger these options will all require a replacment chip to be soldered into your ECU and is a simple procedure.

    Not sure what else to say mate as I dont want to advertise any particular one more than the other...

    Call the australian reps for the products and go from there, as for power differences- the difference is not worth losing any sleep over.

    Good luck and enjoy the improvment !

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Giac , for November only $1400+gst . Girraween , near Parramatta .
    Revo only just started in Sydney . Oettinger been around for a while but pricing varies from $1500-2200 . I dont know about APR , (waits for Tas to chime in )

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    No Chip wars or shameless plugs here guys.
    No prob so far, but big brother is watching you.
    Camden GTI Performance. VW / AUDI Specialists
    All Mechanical Work, Log book Servicing, New and used Parts and Imports
    19-20/6 Badgally Road, Campbelltown, 2560
    02 4627 3072 or 0423 051737

  5. #5
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    There never has been any chip wars . Im happy to compete head to head with APR stage 3 .

    Shameless plugs , dont bother me . As long as you know your product and can answer any questions given . Anyone who wants to buy a chip should have the right to ask any question on a forum and get an honest answer from the chip vendor . Im happy to answer any questions .

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bug_racer
    Giac , for November only $1400+gst . Girraween , near Parramatta .
    Revo only just started in Sydney . Oettinger been around for a while but pricing varies from $1500-2200 . I dont know about APR , (waits for Tas to chime in )
    No arguments from me. We are all here to sell our wares and make great cars even better! APR do not do "flashes" for the mk4s apart from the R32. It is a ECU removal and chip replacement.
    Each chip company has its own merits.
    Cheers, Andrew
    Par 6 Golf GTI. Coilovers, BBS CH Wheels, APR'd
    Caddy van 05/07 (colourcoded) (BRIGHT! orange!) coilovers, Konis 18in. wheels, Oettinger tuned

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by gtimk5
    APR do not do "flashes" for the mk4s apart from the R32. It is a ECU removal and chip replacement.
    Is that not ECU dependant? You can get flashes for mk4 GTIs in the UK. My mate runs one in the UK and it's a pretty early one at that.

    @ GeorgeM when you say 'tune' exactly what are you after, a one time job or the ability to change the software yourself?


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Thread Starter
    hey gavin Im looking for a way to modify the map myself

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    with what mods ?

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeorgeM
    hey gavin Im looking for a way to modify the map myself
    That'll cost you mate. What experience do you have of this sort of thing?
    The best way would be to go for standalone management that has it's own software package.
    For example qpengineering in the UK do a plug and play loom with DTA management, you can get the software to modify that yourself.
    Do you have plans to go through a series of modifications over time and improve the software as you go.

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