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Thread: Dyno Result

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Dirty West!
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    Dyno Result

    So went to get my car dynoed...

    not happy.....101kw....

    Went through the results of with the dude doing the dyno...AFR very very lean and producing 19psi...yet doesnt 'feel' like a car with that much boost...

    Went to Sebs, a few tweeks...feels like a different car and i think its now actually got some decent pull. Kinda has confirmed my inklings for the past few months at something not being right.

    The MOST disapointing thing was...well its confirmed alot things i've read and talked to people about a certain product. You can see my mods in my signature and i dont think i need to say anymore. APEC week will be spent trying to get my moneys worth...and its been alot of money that i've worked hard for..


    So bugger that GIAC conversion and K04 here we come...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Ah **** that man! 101kw!
    Sounds like its in limp mode!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Believe you me it was the car went like crap it was bad. I seriously couldn't believe how slow it was running it seemed like the problem in question was getting worse as time went on!

    Something definately wrong and you could see it
    I'm soo euro even my missus is shaved...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    oh another bad chip story i only got 92kw atw with giac, aghhh why dont more of you get haltech interceptor best thing you will do, i dont care what people say about piggy back computer systems ive had mine for i think 6-8 months and not one problem, as nike says, just do it.

  5. #5
    gpk_gti Guest
    sounds terrible shami,but what mods have you done (since chip) and since its been fiddled with,what was the power outcome?
    also,why didnt you return to where the chip was done?why havent you asked for your money back? AND WHY O WHY doesnt anyone listen to me and independantly DYNO the car prior to chip and straight after the chip????

    If the last tip was done,then these silly chip threads would not exist.

    Personally ,im really over this VS chip threads.Ive been reading on other forums the disgusting threads and posts regarding one of the protagonists you have mentioned and if anyone thinks that our forum is the place for that,there will be serious concequences that follow.

    Please guys,keep this conversation nice and polite with no personal or defamatory comments.
    Last edited by gpk_gti; 02-09-2007 at 10:49 AM.

  6. #6
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    I really don't think there is anything wrong with it I was checking on my car when Shami came to Sebs, and saw the Dyno graph The user in question is just merely stating what he said he was going to do and put up his dyno sheet. If Shami doesn't mind he told e that he had a 3" down pipe ad the chip thats it.

    The dealer in question is closed on the weekends!
    I'm soo euro even my missus is shaved...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    the dealer in question is oettinger, and simple fact he was leaning out to much which seems to be a common problem. the solution only temporary to fix the car at this point which will prolong his engine/turbo life.

    chip vs whatever threads, the simple fact is if someone doesnt like a product they can say so i dont see the problem with it. its what people call an "opinion"

    hes sharing the problem without causing any ruff....
    What’s behind you doesn’t matter..

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    All good steve,

    Its got the n75j, 3 inch down pipe, BOV and the oettinger chip.

    This happened on saturday, todays sunday i dont think i've even had a chance to speak to the place that installed the chip.

    Look i bought my car a year ago and went straight for an oettinger chip. Its been a learning experiance and i didnt go and buy the chip thinking of a strategy to dyno before and after. Seriously it wasnt until i joined the forum that i knew anything about my car.

    Im not trying to join the chip war but just venting my extreme disapointment and its not about pulling big numbers hell i would of been happy with at least 115-120kw, but the fact that its not running right, that is the AFR, is my biggest concern. I just want my car to run right.

    Since joining the forums i've read ALOT on this forum and others about peoples problems. I thought what they said about certain products was harsh, but i now know how they feel. When you spend big bucks and we all know that these car need big bucks to modify and you dont get what you paid for is a bummer. Regardless of what product it is, anyone wants what they paid for. Its not a nice feeling when the dyno operator, who has no idea how these cars are tuned, says 'mate your cars not running right'.

    Anywho, i've mopped enough, but learnt a big lesson. Its actually motivated me to really test this. I will consult the chip vendor during the week and see what he says. If anyone wants to see the dyno results i have them in a PDF file thats too large to post so PM ure e-mail address and i'll be more than happy to pass it onto you.



  9. #9
    Join Date
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    The basic idea of defamation law is simple. It is an attempt to balance the private right to protect one's reputation with the public right to freedom of speech. Defamation law allows people to sue those who say or publish false and malicious comments.

    Opinion is a person's ideas and thoughts towards something. It is an assessment, judgement or evaluation of something.

    I dont think its a case of defamation, when you have admissible evidence you cant deny my right to an opinion.

  10. #10
    gpk_gti Guest

    thanks alot shami for the post! I really feel for you,when a mod just doesnt meet your expectations,especially a expensive one.
    But,I still would return to the place of purchase,whoever that might be and ask them to resolve the paid your hard earned cash,why wouldnt you ????
    Im not doubting your dyno or your facts you have posted,but with these motors ,there are such a fickle machine,that can run badly with one little problem.I had one small split on a secondary pipe under my intake manifold that was eatting all my boost! took months of searching to find it.

    I wanted to know shami,which mods were done after the chip.

    you can pm me if you like.


    ps- no chip tuner is perfect.

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